Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Cancer, Kabbalah, Leo, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Venus, Zohar

New Moon in Leo – August 2016

Michigan psychic, medium, clairvoyant, astrologer and numerologist speaks about the influences about the New Moon in Leo this August 2016. Here is what you need to know.

New Moon In Leo. August 2016 Forecast


The first half of August starting August 2, 2016 we may still feel the strong Uranus energy will be highlighted where we will feel the Uranium energy for the first week which will be conjunct Ares in Aries. This can be connected to sudden, and unexpected events. There can be unexpected opportunities that pop in. There also may be new romantic opportunities that can present themselves to you.

In the first few days of August we will have Venus at 24 degrees of Leo in a beautiful trine to Uranus at a 24 degrees trine of Uranus, and Aries.  These can bring romantic meetings, someone foreign, and very different from a kind of person that you have been with before.  This can bring a deliciously exciting new love opportunity in for you.

The new moon happens 10.57 degrees Leo on August 2nd, 2016.  This happens at 1:44 P.M. Pacific Time. 2:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, and 9:44 P.M. UK Time.  The sign of Leo is all about creativity. It’s about play, and having fun. This New Moon is making us ask ourselves if we are having enough fun, and play in our lives.

Leo is the sign that is most associated with the heart.  I want you to realize that the heart is not only a psychical organ in your body. There is now a lot of evidence that the deeper you breathe and the more joy you feel that it actually expands the size of your auric field.  This allows you to broadcast love out into the world in a much larger way.

Creativity which is linked with Leo is not just about music or artistic talents. This gives you an opportunity to co-create your life anew.  Actually we are constantly co-creating our lives and everything that happens in our lives. But if we are more conscious about it then we can create situations that are more in our best interest.

When something negative happens it is manifested from a lower level, negative emotion. So how much better would it be for each of us to create from love and gratitude that is just beaming out, instead of fear and contraction because your life will start to change within its manifestations in a more positive way if you were to start bringing this more positive energy into your energy field.

10 degrees of Leo, where this new moon is has a particular Sabian symbol. Sabian symbols were channels downloaded by a medium many years ago and are very accurate. The 10 degrees of Leo is the early morning dew saluting the sunlight.  So there is given off a feeling of freshness, and of a new dawn which is what so many of us are yearning for.  Its almost like a a feeling after a long dark night of the soul, after going through many hardships, and struggles many of us have had personally and have seen unfold within this world.

We want a fresh energetic start. And this new moon provides this opportunity. You will feel the shift in energy. Where we can start to live in a heart centered way.  This can also affect your health in a very positive way. You should see where this 10 degrees of Leo falls in your personal chart because that will determine the new beginning that you personally will be getting.  The 5th house is romance and creativity. The 10th house effects your work, and life path.

Just a few hours before the moon in Leo, Mars moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius. Mars loves to be in a fires sign because Mars is all about energy.  If things have been sluggish this Sagittarian Mars boost can give you what you need to get things off the ground again.  It will give you more focus, energy, drive, and motivation. Neptune which is the planet of spirituality, consciousness, miracles, healing is aspecting the Sun and the Moon.  Neptune is connected to dreams. You can get a higher than ordinary level of prophetic dreams than usual.

At the same time Jupiter at 24 degrees Virgo is opposing Chiron, at 24 Pisces.  But on August 12th that opposition becomes exact Chiron is about shape shifting, shifting deception to a higher level that changes reality for you.  So this offers stronger potential for higher level guidance coming in from your higher self.

On August 15th and 15th Neptune is opposed by Venus which is about beauty, imagination, colors, and fine turned perception. This is very positive spiritually and creativity wise.  Saturn comes in trining both the Sun and the New moon bringing in productivity into whatever we are doing. We have to have patience.   If we are diligent our efforts can become very productive.

Saturn can bring in a bit of stability where it is needed  On August 13 Saturn becomes stationary direct in Sagittarius we are going to have issues with borders, truth, religious issues, boundaries, wars, and sports. Also this can effect athletics and their thighs.

The square between Saturn and Neptune which has been going on for many months is now coming to a culmination in September. It’s becoming exact before it dissolves. It has been highlighted by the eclipse that we have in the beginning of December.  This will be giving us an astrological energetic opportunity to find our truth, and live our truth.  We can live our authenticity day to day.  This square is also about our leaders, and finding out what we can trust and what we cannot trust about them.  What’s helping us find our own personal truths is the aspect forming between Uranus and Neptune It can remind us of the 60’s, and what we refer to as the inspirational Hippy era. Kabbalah students know that the Zohar studies include astrology. The holidays are dated by the dates of the New Moon. We will see much more of this aspect in 2017.   This comes from us wanting to live in a more respectful and loving way.  This New Moon in Leo offers many great opportunities. Remember that you heart matters.  Streaming out your highest vibrations matters. Your love matters. Leo is all about letting your light shine more brightly in the world.



Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room



(248) 444-9256

Oakland County psychic Sherrie Ellen is available for readings in person at her private location in Commerce Township, Michigan, by phone all over the globe and for events. She entertains at social events, schools and corporate events with the pristine entertainment company called The Traveling Psychics




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