Astrologer, Astrology, Blue Moon, Detroit Psychic, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Virgo, Worm Moon

Double Full Moons in March 2018

Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium, and astrologer, Master Sherrie Ellen wants you to be prepared to use the energy of these Double Full Moons to your greatest advantage.  She wants you to be the happiest, and most successful person you know!

Image result for Full moon march 2018, detroit time

March 2018 is getting two Full Moons! The first Full Moon will be on March 1, 2018 at 7:51 P.M. Detroit Time, Eastern Standard Time, and on March 2, 2018 at 1:11 A.M. in London, England. The second Full Moon will happen on March 31, 2018 at 836 A.M. Detroit, Eastern Standard Time, and at 1:36 P.M. in London, England.

Full Moon in Virgo on March 1, 2018

Worm Moon

This is historically known as the Full Worm Moon by early American Indians for the time of year when the frozen earth begins to thaw bringing all the earth worms to the surface.

Pallas Athena Called Goddess of Success

We have a Grand Trine in Earth, between the Moon in Virgo, Saturn in Capricorn, and the Asteroid Pallas Athena in Taurus, which is also called the Goddess of success. On March 9, 2018 all Planets go Direct, except Jupiter goes Retrograde, and goes Direct on July 10, 2018.

Harvest Time

The Virgo Full Moon is about situations coming into fruition, getting closure, reaping the delicious fruits of our hard work and labor. We can feel a sense of accomplishment. Virgo is a Sign of purification. So, detox all those impurities out of your body. Maybe you want to try a more organic diet.


This is a time to declutter our cars, homes, and offices.  In Vedic Astrology it is learned that clutter can affect prosperity, and relationships in a negative way.  It’s also a time to clear ourselves of negative emotions, and reset our schedules.

Just Breathe

This is a great time to practice mediation.,  and to learn simple breathing techniques. And for those who have trouble staying in the focus, remember that practice makes perfect, try guided mediations, and know even the most experienced mediators lose their focus from time to time. They just train their mind to move back inward after a distraction.

Heal Thyself

Venus the Planet of love relationships is Conjunct the Wounded Warrior, Chiron during this Full Moon. We may have to be dealing with the pain caused in past relationships. During a Full Moon it creates a opportunity to release old hearbreaks.

When Jupiter is Retrograde it will give us a reprieve of time where we can integrate the wisdom of what we have learned so far through the recent powerful, and yummy time it was Direct.


Full Moon in Libra March 31, 2018

Blue Moon

The Second Full Moon will be on March 31, 2018. This is not a common event, and is referred to as a Blue Moon. This is called a Blue Moon because of the saying “Once in a blue moon”


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room


Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sagittarius, Sherrie Ellen

Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, 2024

Author: Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

Moon in Sagittarius

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, 2024, is set to be a celestial event that promises to bring about powerful energies and influences on our lives. Sagittarius is known as the sign of the archer, symbolizing exploration, adventure, and a quest for truth and knowledge. When the full moon occurs in Sagittarius, it amplifies these qualities, urging us to seek higher understanding and broaden our horizons.

During this Full Moon, the fiery and optimistic energy of Sagittarius will combine with the illuminating power of the full moon. This alignment will encourage us to take a closer look at our beliefs, philosophies, and aspirations. It’s a time to reflect on what truly matters to us and to align our actions with our deepest values.

Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, so we can expect this Full Moon to bring opportunities for personal and spiritual development. This may be a time when we feel called to embark on new adventures, both physically and mentally. It’s a time to take risks, step out of our comfort zones, and pursue our dreams with courage and enthusiasm.

The Full Moon in Sagittarius on May 23, 2024, will also highlight the importance of honesty and integrity. Sagittarius is a sign known for its straightforwardness and love of truth, so this lunar phase may prompt us to speak our minds and express our authentic selves with clarity and sincerity.

As the full moon illuminates the night sky on May 23, 2024, take some time to connect with the energy of Sagittarius and embrace the spirit of adventure and exploration. Use this time to set intentions for growth, learning, and self-discovery. Trust in the wisdom of the universe and let the transformative power of this Full Moon guide you on your journey towards greater understanding and fulfillment.

Michigan Psychic Medium

Astrologer, Astrology, Chiron, Full Moon, Gemini, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Pluto, Psychic, Psychics, Sagittarius, Sun, Tarot card reader, Taurus, The Traveling Psychics, Uranus, Venus

May 2024 Forecast/Deep in Taurus Season

Astrologer, Mediumship, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Pluto, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Realtor, Supermoon, Supermoon, Super moon, Super New Moon, Tarot card reader, Taurus, The Traveling Psychics, Uranus

Super New Moon in Taurus on May 7, 2024

Author: Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

New Moon in Taurus on May 7, 2024

The new moon in Taurus on May 7, 2024, signifies a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, particularly in matters related to stability, security, and material possessions. Taurus is an earth sign known for its grounded and practical nature, making this new moon a favorable time for setting intentions related to financial goals, building wealth, and creating a sense of comfort and security in your life.

This new moon encourages us to focus on our values, priorities, and long-term goals, guiding us to take practical steps towards manifesting our desires. It is a time to plant seeds of intention and nurture them with patience and determination, trusting that they will grow into fruition over time.

The energy of this new moon in Taurus invites us to slow down, appreciate the beauty in the simple things, and connect with the abundance of the earth. It is a potent time for grounding ourselves, finding inner peace, and aligning with our true purpose. Embrace this lunar phase as an opportunity to build a solid foundation for your future success and prosperity.

Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Eclipse, Electronics, Energy, Jupiter, Karma, Mars, Mediumship, Mercury, Mercury Retrograde, Michigan Psychic, North Node, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Solar Eclipse, Sun, Taurus, Uncategorized, Uranus, Venus

April 2024, Aries Season

Author: Astrologer Anastasia for The Traveling Psychics

 Hello Aries season!  April brings us the most important astrological events of the year, so get ready for what perhaps might be a rocky road.  For starters, the entire month, Mars (our boisterous passions and outer energy) will be opposing Lilith (our inner desires and hidden energy. This opposition could show us the power struggles we are having, so be sure to explore your assertiveness in healthy ways.  Mars will be conjunct Saturn at the same time, and this energy will support systematic goals, so it’s a great month to start a new routine! 

Mercury retrograde runs from the 1st-24th. so please be patient with electronics and driving, and double check all correspondence.  Everyone’s favorite planet, Venus, will join Aries on April 3rd, and you will want to keep your impulses in check, as a fiery Venus is very driven, and overspending or oversharing could present a problem this entire month, especially with Mars opposing Lilith at the same time, and a Mercury retrograde.  Next up is an intense electrifying conjunction of the Sun (our conscious self) and North Node (our future) on April 5th.  This conjunction will happen just in time for the total solar eclipse, on April 8th.  This is the only aspect the eclipse will be having, so it is a major opportunity for healing, as well as karma activation.

The most important aspect of the year will be April 20th, and it’s the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in Taurus!  The planet of expansion and luck, meeting the planet of sudden changes, freedom and originality, in the earth sign of Taurus (ruled by Venus).  Where is Aries and Taurus in your birth chart?  Book a private reading to find out how this will affect you personally!  Best of luck to everyone, and be safe if you are viewing the eclipse! 

Jupiter, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Pisces, Pluto, Psychic, Psychics, Sagittarius, Sherrie Ellen, Sun, Supermoon, Supermoon, Super moon, Super New Moon, Tarot card reader, Taurus, Uranus, Venus, Virgo

New Moon in Pisces/Conjunct Neptune

Author: Anastasia of The Traveling Psychics

Astrology with Anastasia – With March comes Spring, my birthday, and the New Moon!  This magical New Moon on the 10th, will be conjunct Neptune, the traditional ruler of Pisces.  So tap into your creative side, your intuitive magic, and feel the romance of new beginnings.  If you have planets at or near 20 degrees in Cancer, Capricorn, Taurus or Scorpio, this will be easy!  So use this day to set intentions for new beginnings, as this Pisces Sun & New Moon will be making a nice connection with the innovative planet Uranus, favoring changes and alternative paths.  However, if you have planets at or near 20 degrees of Sagittarius, Gemini, or Virgo, be prepared for a challenge, because this New Moon definitely has some lessons lined up for those signs.  To see where the New Moon falls in your birth chart, just book a reading, and you’ll have a personal guide through the waters of Pisces season.  Otherwise, go with the flow of changes, take a different path, use your creativity, & show compassion when presented with the opportunity.

Astrologer, Astrology, Macomb Psychic, Mediumship, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Pisces, Psychic, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Sun, Supermoon

New Supermoon in Pisces March 10, 2024

Author: International Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

New Super-moon in Pisces March 10, 2024

Astrologer, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Realtor, Reiki, Sherrie Ellen, Tarot card reader, The Traveling Psychics, Virgo, Zohar

Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024

Author: Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen of The Traveling Psychics

Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024:

A Time for Healing and Reflection

On February 24, 2024, the night sky will be illuminated by a beautiful Full Moon in the practical and detail-oriented sign of Virgo. This celestial event is set to bring a strong energy of healing, organization, and self-reflection. As the Moon reaches its fullest potential in Virgo, it offers us an opportunity to assess our lives, work on self-improvement, and embrace a sense of order and clarity.

Virgo, known for its meticulous nature and analytical mindset, encourages us to focus on the little details that often go unnoticed. Under this Full Moon, it is a favorable time to bring attention to our physical and mental well-being. Virgo’s influence calls for a structured approach to our health, making it the perfect phase to evaluate our diet, exercise routine, and overall self-care.

This lunar phase is also characterized by its ability to highlight our inner strengths and weaknesses. Take the time to re-evaluate your goals and aspirations, and determine how you can refine and improve your approach. This self-assessment allows for personal growth and development that ultimately leads to a sense of fulfillment and mental clarity.

In addition to self-reflection, this Full Moon stimulates a deep desire for organization and order in our lives. Virgo is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, which suggests that this period is conducive to tidying up loose ends, organizing our physical and mental spaces, and creating efficient systems in our everyday life. It’s an excellent opportunity to declutter, prioritize tasks, and establish healthier routines that bring us closer to our goals.

This Full Moon’s energy also carries a strong sense of compassion and service towards others. Virgo’s innate desire to help and offer practical assistance can be directed towards acts of kindness, whether it be supporting others in need, volunteering for fundraisers such as for the Gentle Carousel Miniature Horse Charity in Gainesville, Florida, and other charitable causes, or simply lending a listening ear to a friend. Building and nurturing these connections can bring a deep sense of fulfillment and connection to the world around us.

It is essential to embrace the healing energies of this Full Moon in Virgo and allow ourselves time for relaxation and self-care. Engaging in activities such as meditation, yoga, or mindfulness exercises can help quiet the mind and rejuvenate the spirit. This lunar phase can also be advantageous for practices such as journaling or writing, as it helps us process our thoughts, gain insights, and find solutions to any challenges we may be facing.

As we bask in the glow of the Full Moon in Virgo on February 24, 2024, let us embrace the healing energy it offers. This is a time for introspection, reorganization, and compassionate acts towards ourselves and others. By dedicating ourselves to self-improvement and practicality, we can pave the way for personal growth and a greater sense of purpose. Let the healing light of this Full Moon guide you towards a renewed sense of well-being and fulfillment.

Aquarius, Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Earthquakes, Macomb Psychic, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Supermoon, Supermoon, Super moon, Super New Moon, Tarot card reader, The Traveling Psychics

New Super-Moon in Aquarius February 9, 2024

Author: Psychic Medium Astrologer Sherrie Ellen of The Traveling Psychics

What This Super Full Moon in Aquarius Means for You

We are moving into a very electrifying, volatile month this February, 2024. Put your seatbelts on for a roller-coaster ride.   We are experiencing increased seismic activity. The earths core is expanding, creating cracks in the surface, resulting in more earthquakes.

International Oakland County Psychic Medium in Michigan Sherrie Ellen whom is founder of The Traveling Psychics along with her other tarot card reader who add extensive astrology profiling to their readings , has been studying the potentials

The New Super Moon on February 9, 2024, in the zodiac sign of Aquarius is expected to have a significant impact on our lives. However, it’s not just the lunar activity that we need to be aware of, but also the influence of Uranus.

Uranus, the planet of innovation, rebellion, and sudden change, will play a pivotal role during this period. Its energy will be intensified by the New Super Moon, resulting in a heightened sense of unpredictability and transformative shifts in our lives.

As we step into this powerful month, we must brace ourselves for the rollercoaster ride that lies ahead. The celestial alignments and planetary movements are creating an atmosphere of volatility, where sudden twists and turns are likely to catch us off guard.

The entire geometrical environment of the cosmos seems to have undergone a seismic shift, with celestial events flashing in crimson hues. The Earth’s crust has been displaying signs of distress, as cracks appear, emphasizing the underlying tension within our planet.

The intensity of this period is further emphasized by the frequent occurrence of intense earthquakes around the world. This constant shaking serves as a reminder of the fragility and impermanence of our existence.

In the face of these challenging circumstances, it is essential that we ground ourselves and seek stability amidst the chaos. Building emotional resilience and exercising adaptability will be crucial during this period of heightened energy.

Despite the potential upheavals, the New Super Moon in Aquarius also presents an opportunity for growth and evolution. The unconventional and progressive energy of Aquarius, combined with Uranus’ transformative influence, invites us to break free from the limitations of the past and embrace new possibilities.

Harnessing the essence of these celestial events, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery, innovation, and liberation. By aligning ourselves with the cosmic currents, we can ride the waves of change and emerge stronger, wiser, and more empowered.

As the New Super Moon in Aquarius approaches, let us embrace the uncertain and prepare ourselves for the transformative energy that awaits us. Together, we can navigate these turbulent times and harness the power of the cosmos to create a brighter future.

Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Full Moon, Leo, Macomb Psychic, Mediumship, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Realtor, Sherrie Ellen, Tarot card reader, The Traveling Psychics, Wolf Moon

Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024

Author: Astrologer, International,, Oakland County Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

Full Moon in Leo: January 25, 2024

The Full Moon is a powerful celestial event that occurs when the Sun and the Moon are in perfect alignment, with the Earth between them. These lunar events hold significant importance in astrology, as they often bring a surge of energy and intensity to our lives. On January 25, 2024, we will witness a Full Moon in the zodiac sign of Leo.

Leo, represented by the majestic lion, is a fire sign known for its passion, confidence, and leadership qualities. When combined with the energy of a Full Moon, the Leo influence amplifies its traits, allowing us to tap into our inner strength and express ourselves with courage and conviction.

During this Full Moon, we can expect emotions to run high as Leo’s fiery nature ignites our hearts and fuels our desires. This lunar phase encourages us to embrace our individuality and shine brightly, just like the Sun-ruled Leo. It is a time to celebrate our unique talents and embrace the spotlight without fear or hesitation.

Under the influence of the Leo Full Moon, creativity and self-expression are supported and encouraged. We are reminded to trust in our abilities and allow our passions to guide us towards our goals. This is a period to step out of our comfort zones, take risks, and take pride in our accomplishments.

Leo rules the fifth house in astrology, which corresponds to romance, self-expression, and creativity. During this time, our love lives may become more passionate and fiery, and we may feel a surge of creative inspiration. It is a time to explore our passions, rekindle our relationships, and express ourselves authentically.

However, it is essential to keep in mind that the intense energy of a Full Moon can also stir up drama and ego clashes. Leo’s fixed nature encourages us to be assertive and stand our ground, but it is crucial to strike a balance between assertiveness and arrogance. It is essential to practice mindful communication and not let our egos overshadow our ability to connect and collaborate with others.

As this Full Moon illuminates the skies, it invites us to reclaim our personal power and embrace our authenticity. It encourages us to step into our roles as leaders and inspire others by sharing our unique gifts with the world. By embracing the Leo energy, we can unleash our creative potential, strengthen our bonds with loved ones, and ignite the fire within us to make our dreams a reality.

To harness the energy of the Full Moon in Leo, take time to reflect and set intentions. Write down what you wish to release and let go of, whether it be self-doubt, fear, or a habit that no longer serves you. Then, affirm your desires and visualize them manifesting in your life. By aligning your intentions with the lunar energy, you can make the most of this powerful phase and set yourself on a path towards growth and self-expression.

In conclusion, the Full Moon in Leo on January 25, 2024, is a time for us to embrace our inner power, express ourselves authentically, and confidently step into our roles as leaders in our own lives. By harnessing the fiery energy of Leo, we can illuminate our paths, ignite our passions, and create the life we truly desire.

Aquarius, Astrology, Capricorn, Detroit Psychic, Mediumship, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, Oakland County Psychic, Pluto, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Tarot card reader, The Traveling Psychics

Pluto Enters Aquarius January 21, 2024

Author: Michigan Psychic Medium of The Traveling Psychics

Pluto Leaves Capricorn and Enters Aquarius on January 21, 2024

 Let the Magic Begin!

Astrology enthusiasts and stargazers are in for a treat as a significant celestial event is about to unfold on January 21, 2024. After spending more than a decade in the zodiac sign of Capricorn, Pluto, the dwarf planet associated with transformation and rebirth, will finally make its way into Aquarius, marking a remarkable shift in cosmic energies. This cosmic transit promises to bring about profound changes and opportunities for personal growth, both on individual and collective levels.

Pluto’s journey through the zodiac is often characterized by intense and transformative energy that disrupts established structures, dismantles old patterns, and encourages growth and evolution. As Pluto bids farewell to Capricorn, a sign known for its focus on discipline, authority, and tradition, and enters the progressive and innovative realm of Aquarius, a wave of revolutionary energy is expected to sweep across the world.

While Capricorn encourages us to build strong foundations and abide by societal norms, Aquarius is all about challenging the status quo, embracing individuality, and ushering in groundbreaking ideas. This shift will likely prompt us to question existing power structures, seek new approaches to problem-solving, and foster a spirit of collaboration and community.

The entrance of Pluto into Aquarius invites us to embrace our authentic selves, breaking free from societal expectations and embracing our unique identities. This cosmic transit encourages us to tap into our unconventional side, nurturing our eccentricities and standing out from the crowd. It is a time to let go of the fear of being different and to celebrate our individuality, as it is through our uniqueness that we can truly make a meaningful impact on the world.

Moreover, with Pluto’s watery nature merging with Aquarius’ air element, our emotions and intellect will be brought into alignment, allowing us to approach challenges with both logic and intuition. This harmonious blend may lead to striking breakthroughs, innovative solutions, and a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all things.

On a collective level, the Pluto-Aquarius transit could hold significant implications for societal structures, technology, and humanitarian progress. We might witness advancements in technological innovation, particularly in the areas of artificial intelligence, space exploration, and renewable energy sources. Aquarius, assigned the ruling planet of Uranus, embraces uniqueness and egalitarianism, so we may witness a stronger push for equality, social justice, and activism, with grassroots movements and collective actions gaining momentum.

As with any cosmic event, it is crucial to remember that the impact of Pluto’s transition into Aquarius will differ from person to person. The effect will depend on an individual’s natal chart, which reveals the unique energetic blueprint one carries at birth. Seeking guidance from professional astrologers or studying the nuances of this transition in personal charts can provide valuable insights and help navigate the upcoming changes effectively.

In conclusion, the forthcoming arrival of Pluto in Aquarius on January 21, 2024, marks an exciting cosmic shift that promises to bring a wave of transformation, growth, and renewed purpose to our lives. It is a time to embrace our individuality, challenge the established norms, and work collectively towards building a more progressive and harmonious world. So, let the magic begin as we open our minds and hearts to the infinite possibilities that arise from this cosmic dance between Pluto and Aquarius.
