Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Mars, Mediumship, Mercury Retrograde, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde, Sagittarius, Sherrie Ellen, Winter Solstace, Winter Solstice

New Moon in Sagittarius December 12, 2023

Author: Anastasia of The Traveling Psychics

Hey there, Sherrie!

As we bid farewell to the year, December brings forth some thrilling astrological events. Brace yourself, because Mercury is going retrograde on December 13th for a three-week period. However, fear not, as this retrograde is expected to pass by unnoticed by many, with no harsh aspects involved. In fact, Retro Mercury will form pleasant connections with Jupiter, the planet of expansion, and Lilith, the asteroid of independence. So get ready to confidently speak your mind! 

 Now, mark your calendars for December 21st, Winter Solstice, which not only brings us the longest night of Winter but also an exact Venus opposition to Uranus. This alignment promises significant changes in the realms of finances and love. Our cherished possessions and relationships will be illuminated in a new light, and anything can happen. Some of us may even experience extraordinary strokes of luck! Additionally, Venus will also be in a quincunx with the North Node, urging us to eliminate what no longer serves us. Embrace the path less traveled when it comes to matters of the heart and your wallet. While it’s wise to have a financial plan for the future, love demands an open mind.

On December 26th, we will witness the final Full Moon of the year in Cancer, the Moon’s home sign. Sensitivity will be heightened during this time, as the Full Moon opposes Mercury, the planet of communication and travel. It’s important to note that this opposition won’t make it easy to understand our emotions or solve any problems. Instead, this Moon encourages us to focus on nurturing ourselves and finding relaxation, particularly within the comfort of our homes. With Mars joining Mercury, it’s best to engage in activities that alleviate tension and promote harmony. You might feel the urge to shout from the rooftops about anything and everything! Lastly, both Mercury and Mars will be squaring Neptune, making it an ideal time to end the year with creative endeavors. 

 Wishing you a delightful Yule filled with joy and wonder!

Oakland County, Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen is available for private readings. Anastasia is available for private tarot card readings, and astrology, and psychic parties.

Astrologer, Detroit Psychic, Detroit Psychiuc, Kabbalah, Libra, Macomb Psychic, Mediumship, Mercury, Mercury Retrograde, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Michigan Tarot Card Reader, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Realtor, Reiki, Retrograde, Sherrie Ellen, The Traveling Psychics, Virgo, Zohar

New Moon in Virgo September 14, 2023

Author: International Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

New Moon in Virgo September 14, 2023

The New Moon in Virgo on

September 14, 2023:

A Time of Reflection and Reevaluation

On September 14, 2023, a significant celestial event will take place – a new moon in the zodiac sign of Virgo. As the new moon represents beginnings and Virgo symbolizes organization, practicality, and attention to detail, this cosmic alignment offers a powerful opportunity for introspection and realignment. However, it is noteworthy that Virgo’s ruling planet, Mercury, will be retrograde during this period. The combination of Virgo’s energy and Mercury’s retrograde motion provides a unique set of circumstances for all to navigate.

The Essence of Virgo:

Virgo, an earth sign, is known for its methodical and analytical approach to life. Represented by the symbol of the maiden, Virgo energy is often associated with order, precision, and a desire for perfection. During this new moon, Virgo’s influence will be amplified, inviting individuals to focus on self-improvement, personal growth, and organizing their lives.

Mercury Retrograde:

Ruling planet Mercury, known as the messenger of the gods, governs communication, technology, travel, and intellect. When it’s retrograde, as it will be during this new moon period, its energy can cause disruptions, miscommunications, and delays. However, despite these potential challenges, Mercury retrograde also offers an exceptional opportunity for reflection, review, and reevaluation.

The Synergy of Virgo and Mercury Retrograde:

The combination of the new moon in Virgo along with Mercury retrograde brings an interesting paradox of energies. While Virgo encourages us to move forward and make improvements, Mercury’s retrograde motion urges us to pause, reflect, and address matters from the past. This synergistic dynamic invites us to review our actions, beliefs, and plans, allowing us to refine and reorganize to align with our true purpose.

Opportunities for Growth:

During this new moon phase, individuals may find themselves seeking practical solutions, striving for personal growth, and reevaluating the details of their lives. The Virgo energy helps us to assess what is working and what needs improvement, particularly in areas of health, work, and daily routines. The retrograde influence of Mercury encourages us to delve into our thoughts, reassess communication patterns, and reconsider any decisions made in haste.

Suggestions for Navigating the Alignment:
To optimize the energy of the new moon in Virgo, combined with Mercury retrograde, consider incorporating these practices into your life:

1. Self-reflection: Take time to meditate, journal, or simply contemplate on the areas of your life needing attention and improvement.

2. Embrace organization: Virgo encourages tidiness and efficiency. Use this time to declutter your physical space, streamline your routines, and prioritize your tasks.

3. Mindful communication: Be patient and considerate in your conversations, ensuring clarity and understanding to avoid misunderstandings during Mercury retrograde.

4. Review goals: Revisit your goals, aspirations, and plans, and make any necessary adjustments to align them with your current circumstances and long-term vision.

5. Self-care and wellness: Virgo’s energy fosters a focus on health and well-being. Pay attention to your physical and mental health, engaging in activities that nourish and support your overall well-being.

Virgo and Mercury Energies Blend

The new moon in Virgo, coinciding with Mercury retrograde, presents a unique cosmic blend of energies. While Virgo’s inclination is to encourage progress and practicality, Mercury’s retrograde motion demands reflection and review. Embrace this energetic duality as an opportunity for growth, self-improvement, and a reevaluation of your goals and plans. By engaging in mindful practices, organizing your life, and nurturing your health and well-being, you can harness the benefits of this celestial alignment and set the stage for a successful future.

The Traveling Psychics

Our upbeat entertainment company provides a diverse variety of psychic readers, and Spiritualist style mediumship by vetted psychic mediums, palm readers, Crystal Ball Gazers, tarot card readers, Western/Eastern astrologists, and others that prefer no tools at all the channel information out of the eithers.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen is located in Oakland County, Michigan in a small community in the suburbs, surrounded by small lakes, and windy roads. She has been studying and practicing the ancient wisdom and technology of Kabbalah for decades. She is founder and head reader of The Traveling Psychics, and The Traveling Mediums, a Michigan Realtor.

Astrologer, Astrology, Capricorn, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Oakland County Psychic, Pluto, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Supermoon, Uncategorized

Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1, 2023

Author: International Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1, 2023

We are going to have a very powerful Super Full Moon in Aquarius on August 1, 2023 at 2:31 pm, White Lake, Michigan time. There will be three lunations this August. There will be four Super Moons in 2023. A Super Moon is when the Moon moves closer to earth, which means there is a much stronger gravitational pull on the plates. All Full Moons brings more emotions, feelings, but particularly even more so when it is a Super Moon.

The position will be at 9 degrees Aquarius. And, Opposing the Sun at 9 degrees Leo. This will bring in some of the moons clearing energy.  It will help with a transformation of letting go of what is not for our highest good, and assist clearing out our old stagnant energy.  Pluto is at 28 degrees of Capricorn. Is right next to this moon.

This will be a way for you to move away from the stuck and stagnant. We are mostly looking at through November for a long running Node between Pluto and the Nodal Axis. Pluto is Squaring Nodal the Axis in Aquarius through November 2023. Pluto returns in the USA every 248-year cycle. Last was the US Rebellion

We are in a unique revolutionary opportunity now, with the light and all the solar activity. We are being forced to choose either to focus on love, or focus on fear. We cannot focus on both at the same time. They are opposites.

Are we living in victim mode, or co-creator mode?

You will need to ask yourself will you take of all this into consideration and then go back to your old ways.? Be conscious of you reactive, fight or flight, love submit.

As Carl Jung once said. It is not what happens to us in life. It is how we react.

Sherrie Ellens Psychic Reading Room

Sherrie Ellen is founder and head reader for The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company. Located in Oakland County, Michigan. The Traveling Psychics are available for events. Sherrie Ellen is available for private readings in person and by phone.

Astrology, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Reiki, Virgo, Worm Moon

Full Moon in Virgo March 18, 2022

Author: Psychic Medium Clairvoyant Sherrie Ellen

Michigan Psychic Astrologer
Worm Moon/Full Moon in Virgo

There will be a Full Moon in the Sign of Virgo on March 18, 2022, at 3:17 a.m. Eastern Standard Time. This is when the Sun in Pisces will form an opposition to the Moon in Virgo. The Full Moon is a time of culmination, and the point of fulfillment’ of that which you started during the recent New Moon in Pisces. This energy will make you feel emotional. This a time of romance, expansion, and relationships.

With this Virgo and Pisces axis point, this Full Moon pushes us to find the balance between our daily routines, physical health, and the need structured Virgo has, along with Pisces intuitive vision, and need for absolute spiritual wellbeing.

Virgo rules the tools and techniques we use to deal with our daily routines.  Pisces rules the tools we we use to manage our spiritual selves.

Little Note on Full Moon’s

Full Moons are a combination of endings, closure, completions. Also experiencing the rewarding fruits of your labor. Witnessing the truths that were hidden secrets that wouldn’t reveal themselves earlier.

Little note on Virgo

Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac. Virgos are born between August 22 and September 22.  Also is ruled by Mercury, and usually has positive characteristics with precision, critical thinking, service, and harvesting. But, their intense desire for excellence, and hard core effort might lead them to be overly critical.

Little note on the Worm Moon

This particular Full Moon is referred to as a “Worm Moon” because Native American tribe’s created names for the Full Moons in order to recognize the rhythm of the seasons. March is the time of year when the worms come out because of all the rain, and the thawing of the soil.

Oakland County, Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

Oakland County, Michigan Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant Astrologer Sherrie Ellen is head reader, and founder of The Traveling Psychics. She is also founder of The Traveling Mediums, and The Traveling Tarot Card Readers. Available for private readings, by phone and in person. Sherrie Ellen and her Entertainment company is available for are available for parties and corporate events.

Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, New Moon, Pisces

New Moon in Pisces February 24, 2020

Author: Psychic Medium Astrologer Sherrie Ellen

Image result for new moon pisces

On February 24, 2020 there is going to be a New Moon in Pisces. This will take place at 10:32 a.m. EST.

This Pieces energy will make people more intuitive, sensitive,  emotional and they will also feel more vulnerable.

Pay attention to your intuition Good time to meditate, take long relaxing baths.

Astrologer, Astrology, Full Moon, Leo, Macomb Psychic, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Realtor, Reiki, Sherrie Ellen, Sun

Full Moon in Leo February 9, 2020

Author: International Psychic Medium, Clairvoyant  Sherrie Ellen

Full Moon in Leo February 9, 2020 at 2:33 am Detroit time

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I am so excited for the Full Moon in Leo that is taking place on February 9, 2020 at 2:33 am Detroit time. The Moon will be very bright because the Sun will fully light it up. Our emotions and our intuition will also be fired up. We will be drawn to, and attracted toward our destined purpose. We will be let toward what our natural gifts that we came in this life to complete.

Leo Moon, Charge me Up…. ZOOM

That energy of the Moon lighting up the Sun in Leo. And this is truly the most amazing energy because the Sun does rule Leo. VERY POWERFUL! This Leo Fill Moon Energy is pushing you toward taking that risk, moving forward and jump forward toward your goals. This is a time to strip yourself of your fears that have been holding you back. It is like the you have been standing still with Gorilla Glue on the souls of your shoes, not having the strength to push forward. But now this yummy energy is giving you the boost to go after your dreams. Time to go after that new job. Ask that love interest to for a date.

Full Moon

A Full Moon bring a period of climax and release of energy which also means it can bring upheaval, exhaustion, and major changes, which can be positive, if you are ready for it! The Lunar Cycle begins during the New Moon, when the Sun and Moon are in the same sign.  This is a new beginning, and a time to plant seeds.


Leo is naturally ruled by the Sun.  Leo wants to be seen by all, having fun, beauty, basking in love, risk taking, socializing, competition,


Sherrie Ellen has been studying Kabbalah with her teachers at the Kabbalah Center in Los Angeles, California for many years. Kabbalah Holy days are based on the Cycles of the Moon.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

Oakland County, Michigan Psychic, Clairvoyant and astrologer Sherrie Ellen is founder of The Traveling Psychics and The Traveling Mediums Macomb County Entertainment Companies.


The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company readers offers mediumship, psychic readings by phone and in person, angel tarot card readings, palm readings, cord cutting, chakra alignment, healing crystals Reiki and so much more.

She is also a Realtor and is looking for investment money, investors who want to buy, sell and fulfill real estate in Michigan.

Aquarius, Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Sun

New Moon in Aquarius January 24, 2020


Author: Psychic Medium Astrologer Sherrie Ellen

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There is going to be an exciting New Moon in Aquarius, Friday January 24, 2020 at 4:42 pm Detroit time.


As Above, So Below

The Aquarius New Moon above us will turn dark, and go inward.  And we here down on the earth plane, will also be moving inward to recharge our physical bodies, and spirits. It is a perfect time to be quiet, meditate, and just listen to our higher selves.

The Moon and the Sun are Conjunct, which means that they are nestled together in Aquarius. The Moon is recharging itself with the Sun.


Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

Oakland County , Michigan psychic medium Sherrie Ellen is heard reader of The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company. Sherrie Ellen is available for private readings in person and by phone. Her readers are available for parties , corporate events, schools, and social gatherings. We also offer gallery mediumship in private and for crowds.

Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen





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Oakland County, Michigan Psychic Medium, and Astrologer Sherrie Ellen wants you to  be prepared for the powerful Full Moon in Gemini on December 12, 2019 at at 12:12 a.m. Detroit Time.


Gemini has to do with change, and yearns for freedom. During this Full Moon in Gemini, this energy can bring opportunities to areas in your life that you need to, or want to change. The Sun is in Sagittarius which is enhancing opportunities for you to relocate, or create a new environment that is more in sync with the next steps on your earthly journey.


This energy also gives people a nudge to change their identity, and take on a more spiritual hue. The power of prayer is also enhanced. Also, this is a time when people are feeling impulse urges to express more love, and creating more unique ways to show love to those they care about.


During this Gemini energy your words will gain more power. You will have the opportunity to let go of burdens, circumstances that no longer serve you. You will speak your truth, and seek the truth from others.  Emotions can run deep and be overwhelming.

Mars is in Scorpio

Now that Mars is in Scorpio is surrounding us with a energy where we have to be cautious with others that do not know boundaries. The leaches, liars, and little thieves are coming out of the woodwork’s. Be aware. Its okay to say no. It’s time to reinforce your boundaries, and not let others take advantage of you.

The Traveling psychics

The Traveling Mediums



Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Detroit Psychiuc, Full Moon, Gemini, Mars, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen

Full Moon in Gemini December 12, 2019

Oakland County, Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen wants you to  be prepared for the powerful Full Moon in Gemini on December 12, 2019.

Astrologer, Astrology, Beaver Moon, Direct, Frost Moon, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Taurus

Full Moon in Taurus, November 12, 2019

Author : Michigan Psychic Medium, Astrologer Sherrie Ellen


Full Moon in Taurus November 12, 2019 at 8:34 p.m

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Opportunities for Change & Growth

I want all of you to be prepared for this powerful Full Moon in Taurus, which will take place November 12, 2019 at 8:34 p.m. Detroit time. This particular Full Moon is also called a Beaver Moon. Full Moon’s happen monthly, and this is when the Sun and the Moon are 180 degrees apart from each other.

Time To Make That Move Forward

This Taurus Full Moon energy is a giving us a push toward moving forward toward taking practical action in working with all that is physical, such as starting a new exercise routine, new ways to make money, moving up the later in your career, meeting a new love, romantic commitments.

Beaver Moon

A Beaver Moon is always the very first Full Moon in the month of November. The time in November dates back, for both the colonists, and the Algonquin tribes, who set beaver traps to ensure a supply of warm winter fur’s. Some people still carry on this tradition today.  This Full Moon is also known as the Frost Moon because it’s about the time of the first frosts.


Taurus is a Fixed, Air Sign; Second House in the Zodiac Wheel. On their positive side traits, they are loyal, luxurious, play to win, and Ruled by Venus (Planet of beauty and love).

Energy Boost You Need For Change

This great Taurus Moon will give you the energy boost you will need to take the next steps, and follow through to change many important areas of your life, that you are not happy with.

Mercury Goes Direct November  20. 2019

Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

The Traveling Psychics is proud to introduce The Traveling Mediums of Oakland County, and Macomb. We are offering Duet Psychic Mediumship Combinations, Clairvoyant Free Style, Psychic Readings, and Gallery readings at Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room in Commerce Township, Michigan., by phone, and our services at parties and corporate events. We supply psychics, mediums, palm readers, tarot card readers, Oracle Readers, Clearings, House Blessings, Reiki, Blessing Candle Kits spiritualist style mediums for events. We also offer our services in other states and Windsor, Ontario. Gift Certificates Available.


For more information email me at


Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Full Moon, Hunters Moon, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Sun

Full Moon Aries October 13, 2019

Author: Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen


Hunters Moon

Full Moon in Aries on October 13, 2019

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The particular Full Moon, also known as a Hunters Moon, will be in Aries, and will be taking place on October 13, 2019 at 5:07 pm, Detroit Time.

Power Struggles

Aries is headstrong and courageous.  Aries will have its target on power struggling Pluto, with a yummy edge of expansive, and lucky Jupiter. This will play out for the next two weeks. Also, this Full Moon will affect all twelve Sun Signs, and to what extent depends on the placement of your personal Sun Sign in your own Birth Chart, Horoscope.

Watch Those Egos

A Full Moon is when the emotional Moon is Opposing the Sun. And when this occurs it usually is a lot about testing relationships. So, get ready for a bunch of ego driven, disagreements. Many will feel like some of these disagreements are coming out of left field.

Hunters Moon

The Hunter’s Moon usually appears in October, except once every four years when it doesn’t appear until November. The name Hunters Moon dates back in history to the First Nations of North America. They call it by this name because it right after the deer’s food was plentiful, and they had gorged themselves over the course of the summer, that hunters tracked and killed prey by autumn moonlight, stockpiling food for the coming winter. It is the first Full Moon after the Harvest Moon, which is the Full Moon nearest the Autumnal equinox.


Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

The Traveling Psychics LLC


