Astrologer, Astrology, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen, Zohar

New Moon in Scorpio, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017 there will be a New Moon in Scorpio at 8:42 A.M. Detroit time, and 11:42 A.M. UK time. This is a fixed energy. Fixed Signs understand that steadiness is the key. This energy is pulling us toward slowing down, and start looking within ourselves.

Image result for new moon in scorpio scorpion

New Moon Ritual

Oakland County, Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen wants you to get set up prior to this exciting Scorpio New Moon with your New Moon ritual concerning setting your power of intention concerning a new goal. Use this astrology information to set goals, manifest your dreams, and make this the most beneficial month to reach your soul purpose.

During the planting of the seed of your intention during this New Noon in Scorpio you can do it by thought, through meditation, writing it out on paper, through spoken words of your intention under the New Moon. But make certain that your thoughts, and words are all uplifting, positive and about something that you want to attract into your life.

New Moon

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new cycle.

Scorpio New Moon

The New Moon in Scorpio shifts your consciousness from external relationships to deeper internal issues. The depth and meaning are the qualities that give value to our existence. We are delving into the mysteries within with naked honesty. It’s about healing mostly externally, and somewhat extremely. Its about fixing what trigger’s us.

Scorpio is about the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. Its about letting go of what was and about a rebirth of what is to come. Its so very magical in a astrological and mystical way.

The thing is that we may not even notice about the negative aspects filtering away while the exciting and even more promising situations are just taking sprout before us. This Scorpio energy is about the revaluation of situations around us. Its about letting go of what has no value and creating something with much more substance. And Oh boy and Oh girl, has Michigan psychic, clairvoyant and astrologer Sherrie Ellen been doing just this. Sometimes we just have to take stock and start pulling out the weeds in our life that has accumulated so the gorgeous flowers can take bloom. This can be a very exciting time in our lives depending where Scorpio is placed in our birth horoscopes.

The Scorpio

Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac. They like to learn from others. Do not take the fearless, and deadly serious nature of a Scorpio lightly. They can zoom right in on what is being hidden. They are curious. They do not fear beginnings or endings. They can make great investigators. They can reinvent and regenerate themselves swiftly from a fall.


Back in October 2017 Jupiter moved right into compassionate and determined Scorpio. The combination of Jupiter and Scorpio brings the hidden out of the closets. Watch out for secrets revealed at home and around the nations. This is all about secrets about sex, death and people in power. This is more about twists and turns in journey’s.

Take Good Care

This energy is about taking good care of ourselves, eating healthier food, going a bit more holistic in our self-care.  This is about our journey within.

Oh So Good Jupiter Making Us Feel Abundant

In addition to the New Moon coming up in Scorpio on November 18, 2017, on November 13, 2017 there is a Conjunction coming up between Jupiter and Venus making us feel abundant. Everything that Jupiter touches adds an element of luck to it. November 7, 2017.  November 16, 2017 Venus Trines Neptune focusing on our creative streak.

Chiron The Healing Warrior

The Sun will be trining the healing warrior Chiron within degrees of Scorpio and Pisces. This combination creates a heightened perception, psychic abilities and creativity. This also gives us a feeling of surrendering to the universe.  Surrendering can initiate healing process of old wounds.

Dreamy Meets Lucky

We will experience a Trine between dreamy Neptune and lucky Jupiter through September 2018.  Jupiter adds luck and expansion to all that it comes into contact with. We all want Jupiter to yield close to us. There also can be medical break through with this energy. This is a releasing of our woes and connection to the divine Universe energy.


Neptune is called God of the Sea, and is the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is also considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle.


Jupiter, is called the King of the Gods, and is the ruler of Sagittarius Jupiter is a planet of plenty, and good fortune. It is expansive, and seeks insight through knowledge.

Astrology Magic

We shall all start preparing to co-create out desire about mid month before a New Moon. We are all natural co-creators with the Universe. These forces have a natural gravitational pull to help lead us through. This information is nothing new. Its been successfully practiced by Kabbalists in ancient times. It is written in code in the bibles and reinforced by ancient scholars in the Zohar. Much of what students of the Kabbalah study is Astrology and the Lunar cycles, and phase’s of the Moon.


 Oakland County Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen


The Traveling Psychics

Michigan Psychic Entertainment


Astrologer, Astrology, Kabbalah, Mercury, Michigan Psychic, Michigan Psychic Medium, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Virgo, Zohar

New Moon in Virgo September 2016

September 2016 Kabbalah Interpretation


One of the best Kabbalah Center teachers has taught me in her lecture that Virgo is the month of desire and restoration. The New Moon is like a spiritual seed that contains the entire tree of life on a DNA level. The seed controls the tree. This seed determines how this tree is going to grow, what kind of tree will grow and the status of the heath of this tree.  Imagine that all the energy of Virgo is concentrated into a small pill.

In the Hebrew calendar Virgo is in the sixth month and it is funneling its energy into the seventh month of Libra which is the physical manifestation of where we learn our earthly lessons. Virgo is a very powerful month. The deeds during this present life, and of all of the past lives of all of the creatures in the world are being examined. This can allow us to view reality in a much more proactive and realistic way.

If we look at what the aspects of Virgo is offering us it gives us a chance to look at it either with selfishness, or in a clear way as the creator sees it.  Just imagine how powerful this month really is. One of the interesting things about this month of Virgo is that it is allowing us to see as many of the hidden truths as they really are weather we are prepared to or not prepared to witness.

The Kabbalist say that right now its a time to be humble. If you are not humble then the light cannot come in. Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen always says that GOD does not like arrogance. When we become a legend in our own minds the universe will step right in and make us fall right back into our appropriate place.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

Michigan psychic mediums Sherrie Ellen is founder of The Traveling Psychics entertainment company and is a well know psychic, medium, and astrologer in Oakland County. Sherrie Ellen offers private sessions by phone and in person in Commerce Twp.

Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Cancer, Kabbalah, Leo, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Venus, Zohar

New Moon in Leo – August 2016

Michigan psychic, medium, clairvoyant, astrologer and numerologist speaks about the influences about the New Moon in Leo this August 2016. Here is what you need to know.

New Moon In Leo. August 2016 Forecast


The first half of August starting August 2, 2016 we may still feel the strong Uranus energy will be highlighted where we will feel the Uranium energy for the first week which will be conjunct Ares in Aries. This can be connected to sudden, and unexpected events. There can be unexpected opportunities that pop in. There also may be new romantic opportunities that can present themselves to you.

In the first few days of August we will have Venus at 24 degrees of Leo in a beautiful trine to Uranus at a 24 degrees trine of Uranus, and Aries.  These can bring romantic meetings, someone foreign, and very different from a kind of person that you have been with before.  This can bring a deliciously exciting new love opportunity in for you.

The new moon happens 10.57 degrees Leo on August 2nd, 2016.  This happens at 1:44 P.M. Pacific Time. 2:44 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, and 9:44 P.M. UK Time.  The sign of Leo is all about creativity. It’s about play, and having fun. This New Moon is making us ask ourselves if we are having enough fun, and play in our lives.

Leo is the sign that is most associated with the heart.  I want you to realize that the heart is not only a psychical organ in your body. There is now a lot of evidence that the deeper you breathe and the more joy you feel that it actually expands the size of your auric field.  This allows you to broadcast love out into the world in a much larger way.

Creativity which is linked with Leo is not just about music or artistic talents. This gives you an opportunity to co-create your life anew.  Actually we are constantly co-creating our lives and everything that happens in our lives. But if we are more conscious about it then we can create situations that are more in our best interest.

When something negative happens it is manifested from a lower level, negative emotion. So how much better would it be for each of us to create from love and gratitude that is just beaming out, instead of fear and contraction because your life will start to change within its manifestations in a more positive way if you were to start bringing this more positive energy into your energy field.

10 degrees of Leo, where this new moon is has a particular Sabian symbol. Sabian symbols were channels downloaded by a medium many years ago and are very accurate. The 10 degrees of Leo is the early morning dew saluting the sunlight.  So there is given off a feeling of freshness, and of a new dawn which is what so many of us are yearning for.  Its almost like a a feeling after a long dark night of the soul, after going through many hardships, and struggles many of us have had personally and have seen unfold within this world.

We want a fresh energetic start. And this new moon provides this opportunity. You will feel the shift in energy. Where we can start to live in a heart centered way.  This can also affect your health in a very positive way. You should see where this 10 degrees of Leo falls in your personal chart because that will determine the new beginning that you personally will be getting.  The 5th house is romance and creativity. The 10th house effects your work, and life path.

Just a few hours before the moon in Leo, Mars moves from Scorpio into Sagittarius. Mars loves to be in a fires sign because Mars is all about energy.  If things have been sluggish this Sagittarian Mars boost can give you what you need to get things off the ground again.  It will give you more focus, energy, drive, and motivation. Neptune which is the planet of spirituality, consciousness, miracles, healing is aspecting the Sun and the Moon.  Neptune is connected to dreams. You can get a higher than ordinary level of prophetic dreams than usual.

At the same time Jupiter at 24 degrees Virgo is opposing Chiron, at 24 Pisces.  But on August 12th that opposition becomes exact Chiron is about shape shifting, shifting deception to a higher level that changes reality for you.  So this offers stronger potential for higher level guidance coming in from your higher self.

On August 15th and 15th Neptune is opposed by Venus which is about beauty, imagination, colors, and fine turned perception. This is very positive spiritually and creativity wise.  Saturn comes in trining both the Sun and the New moon bringing in productivity into whatever we are doing. We have to have patience.   If we are diligent our efforts can become very productive.

Saturn can bring in a bit of stability where it is needed  On August 13 Saturn becomes stationary direct in Sagittarius we are going to have issues with borders, truth, religious issues, boundaries, wars, and sports. Also this can effect athletics and their thighs.

The square between Saturn and Neptune which has been going on for many months is now coming to a culmination in September. It’s becoming exact before it dissolves. It has been highlighted by the eclipse that we have in the beginning of December.  This will be giving us an astrological energetic opportunity to find our truth, and live our truth.  We can live our authenticity day to day.  This square is also about our leaders, and finding out what we can trust and what we cannot trust about them.  What’s helping us find our own personal truths is the aspect forming between Uranus and Neptune It can remind us of the 60’s, and what we refer to as the inspirational Hippy era. Kabbalah students know that the Zohar studies include astrology. The holidays are dated by the dates of the New Moon. We will see much more of this aspect in 2017.   This comes from us wanting to live in a more respectful and loving way.  This New Moon in Leo offers many great opportunities. Remember that you heart matters.  Streaming out your highest vibrations matters. Your love matters. Leo is all about letting your light shine more brightly in the world.



Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room



(248) 444-9256

Oakland County psychic Sherrie Ellen is available for readings in person at her private location in Commerce Township, Michigan, by phone all over the globe and for events. She entertains at social events, schools and corporate events with the pristine entertainment company called The Traveling Psychics



Astrologer, Cancer, Kabbalah, Leo, Mars, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Venus

Cancer New Moon 2016

Kabbalah Interpretation to Cancer New Moon by Michigan Psychic

Sherrie Ellen of The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company

Cancer moon

July 2016 is all about spreading the light and not complaining to people.  This is a time to help create unity, and not to add assistance to those who are creating divisions. This is a time to create boundaries where you feel that others are disrespecting you. This is the month that is offering you an opportunity to change the rules for ourselves. But we must realize that we are not supposed to change the rules for others. They have the free will to make their own choices. We must ask ourselves what we can do to move out of our comfort, away from our fears, out of our watery sign of emotions. We can do this by going out of our way to help others, including ourselves. This is about applying sensitivity in a Leo way. This is a time to overcome your emotions.

Oakland County psychic, medium, clairvoyant, astrologer, and founder of elite entertainment group called The Traveling Psychics,   Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen wants you to be aware that this month is also about the opportunities of the energy of the Venus intimacy,  and Mercury communications that is available to you. When we have all this protection then it makes us stronger. We have the Leo leadership abilities to help us take the lead to move forward. Cancer signs do not ask for help because they are afraid of the judgments of others.  But we at the same time use the protection of the Cancer sign energy. So together these aspects allow us to remove all of these blockages that we have.

It’s time to remove our blockages on a seed level. We can ask for help from someone we trust like psychic Sherrie Ellen, or a Kabbalah teacher to do this if it seems too complicated to do on our own. On  July 13, 2016 we enter into the emotion and physical burning energy of Leo. Lots of things will fire up this month after the 13th, such as in politics, emotions, and world displays of violence. Because of the high energy of these planet combinations and placements everything will light up. We need to take this energy and put it to use in a positive way.

The month of cancer is about being vulnerable, nice and kind to ourselves and others. This means showing our true authentic selves. We must use positive words to create set positive intentions at the seed level. Cancers can be very pessimistic.  Cancers are excellent business people that have fantastic memories. They just need to move past their negative dialog that plays over, and over again in their mind.

Let’s focus on the good side of Cancer. Their strong business sense is an asset.  We need to turn any negative into positive assets. We are being effected by a huge amount of energy that we can utilize to create, use it, and transform this into positive changes within our lives, and the world around us. You have to ask yourself this month what you are willing to do to go out of your comfort zone to change this powerful harsh energy into a positive outcome. This is an extremely volatile energy that can be transformed into something positive by the power of togetherness and unity.

We must disregard everything that will not bring unity in for us this month. This is the only way that we can transform this powerfully negative energy into something good. This is not a good time to argue with your lover, or spouse.  Put some distance between the two of you if need be to prevent any arguments because it could bring the energy of separation. If you find yourself in the middle of a combustive situation, then you move out of it quickly to let everyone cool off. Then you can try to bring love and peace back into the situation.

When you find yourself in the middle of a negative combustive situation, just take responsibility, remove yourself from the situation, and move forward on a positive note. We do not want the past controlling us, and holding us back. We want to transform our past situations into an upward swing so we can create a positive future outcome. We need to ask ourselves how we can make things better. We do not want the past controlling us, and holding us down. After the 13th Venus transforms into Leo, Mercury in Leo, and Mars in Scorpio. These water signs combined with fire signs. We need to find a way to be able to combine the fire, and the water this month. We need to be able to manage keeping the passion of the fire going, and our emotions under control.

These planets are placed in a position where we need to be realizing ways about how we can be of service to others, how we can help humanity, and how we can help ourselves. We need to understand how we can listen, be positive and act with sensitivity. We also need to work on our blockages so they will not exist anymore. We need to ask ourselves what makes us feel good and what makes us happy. This will allow us to see where we are, and what our visions are. We want healthy goals that will give us balance. Cancer always brings a lot of doubt, and negative energy that we need to transform into light.

This is a time where we can grow a strong unity that it will protect us from not allowing anything negative to affect us. We are to get out of our shells. Our shells are our blockages.


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

(248) 444-9256

Astrologer, Astrology, Gemini, Kabbalah, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics

New Moon in Cancer



Anxiety and Paranoia

Extreme emotions of anger and happiness.

A roller coaster ride

Reminds us to nourish ourselves, mind, body, and soul. There can be new loves, relationship endings. Do not make hasty decisions, or you will create negative karma that you will have to work out later.

On July 4th there are 4 planets in Cancer. This is all about nourishing. It’s about feeling safe, being at home, and comfort. It’s all about being comfortable, and feeling safe. There is a huge message with a key to understand how this unfolds for you. It’s time to look where these planets are closest in your own personal chart. You need to bring in a spiritual opponent, to release any negativity such as anger, resentment etc.… These emotions are holding you back. Once released it gives you an opportunity to move forward.

Releasing the negativity in your live is best done by water contact such as immersing yourself in a lake, ocean, or bathtub, meditation, and other spiritual practices. Try meditation by a lake. This is a time where you need to release judgments. It is a time to try to look at things from a spiritual aspect. Kabbalah helps puts this in a better perspective. There is a Lila concept which means that a strong woman will show her steamy passion that is happening this month. There can also be feeling of being coned this month when you allow yourself to be ruled by others besides yourself.

This is a time when you want all your frustrations to come out so you can release them. You want to let go of all the things that have not worked out in your life on a positive note. It’s time to shed all that is negative in your life and that has been emotionally holding you back so you can feel lighter. This will give you the freedom to forge ahead in a more productive direction that suites you.

This is a time where you will want to let go of negative relationships, beautify your home and other environments that surround you, including the self. These planet aspects will make you want you to heighten, and nurture your sense of family. There could be a lot of romance this month, depending on how all these aspects hit your personal chart. This could be a time where love moves forward, or you let go of a relationship that is causing you harm. This is a time of great passion.

The energy in July will feel very different than the energy we felt in June. There is a mutable grand cross that is going to keep people feeling pulled in all different directions. There is going to be a lot of distrust. Much that we thought as permanent is now dissolving.  But now we can make our dreams real. We can ground ourselves.

It’s going to be a very emotional month. There will be seven planets in water signs. So there will be a lot of compassion and sensitivity. It’s about nurturing ourselves and others. Remember that Cancer is related to the past, such as our history, and past experiences. But with this full moon we can set a different intention emotionally.

At this point Pluto is now opposing the Sun, and the new moon. This is about power, and power struggles. We will see power plays in strange ways working its way in the world. First week of July Venus in cancer is opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus. There could be plays of power in your love relationships to fight for who is in control. This is the polarity that will be in the first week of July.

This is a time for original inventive ideas. Uranus is the planet of awakening and Pluto is the planet of transformation. Extraordinary thinking.

July 16, and July 17 the Sun is in aspect of Uranus and Pluto. Anyone who has planets between 16 and 24 degrees such as Aries, Libra and Capricorn will really feel these changes within their world. Uranus has now moved on to be conjunct with the dwarf planet Ares. This has a warrior woman quality. There will be fighting over the earth. Mars is also energizing Ares.

Mars is going direct giving out more energy. This will be helpful if you have Aries or Scorpio aspects. You will then feel a relaunch, allowing you to step out much stronger within your power. Mercury and Mars are moving forward like an arrow being pulled within a bow releasing all this amazing accelerated energy. A better focus.

Jupiter will be in a beautiful trine aspect with Pluto at 16 degrees off Capricorn. This can bring success, abundance, recognition, personal growth, and new opportunities. This is very positive. Jupiter with show us where we are expanding, and where we can have success in our lives.

Some people will be feeling the need to control everything because they are living in a scarcity factor within their consciousness. Just try and stay in control of the self, and not of others. Those who you try to control will feel suffocated, and pull away. But on the other angle this is a time where love can let go of a present relationship, rekindling an old relationship, or someone new can come into your life.

This is a time to embrace something that you feel very compassionate about. Put this can allow a healthy obsessive energy that you will be feeling, bringing in something positive, and something that you love. This is a time to nurture your emotional well-being which includes your spiritual ways, home, and even foods that you nourish your body with.

Pluto is the planet of Power

Just remember that the fireworks will be going off in an astrological way  because the Sun, Moon, Venus and Mercury are in Cancer. All of these four planets are in direct opposition to Pluto. Pluto is about power. This is about how you use your power, how you own your power, and how you give your power away.




Michigan Psychic | Oakland County Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen

Written by Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen who is one of the busiest Oakland County psychics, and entertains with the pristine entertainment company called The Traveling Psychics.

The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company

Astrologer, Astrology, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sagittarius

Cancer Sun, June 22 to July 22, 2016

The Cancer, June 22 to July 22, 2016



W are all a combination of all twelve horoscope signs.

So this effects everyone to some point.


Key Notes

Regimental time tables, office boundaries, lavish parties, abundance for the home you want, and love, hard work will earn you money. You must learn to get organized.

Sun in Cancer effects all 12 signs

Cancer is represented by the crab. This is kind of a wild month for the mutable signs of Sagittarius, Pieces and Virgos. This June is where it all comes together. The Gemini new moon on the 4th and 5th is kind of behind the scenes. This is not effecting Cancer strongly except through those people that surround you who have all these other signs.

Dissolving what is holding you back

Saturn is opposing the new moon which is going to create chaos. But this is not all bad because sometimes it’s good to shake things up. Saturn is in the area of work and service. Neptune which is very strong is the trouble maker trying to dissolve all these boundaries. This is a good time for you to rest and work on your imagination, and start creating from your sacred space. Time for you to get out in nature more.

Visitors from your past

This is a time for movement. It’s all about taking care of unfinished business. Things from the past come creeping in. Expressing yourself from the deepest places that you usually do not let others know about is necessary.  This is the time to use the power of words. Intention, pride and dignity so the light will really come out and shine on you. The flood gates are open.

Loving yourself

This is a time of the healing of the heart. Persons from the past will enter to help you. It’s a tine for you to let go and let god. It’s time to get in touch with something much higher than yourself. There will be psychic premonitions a foretelling dreams. This is a time to get back into touch with self-love and honoring your self-worth.

A second chance to get things right

There are shifts taking place both professionally and in love. There can be confrontations that take place which will give lovers past and present a chance to repair past mistakes and to move toward a healthier place that is in the best interest of all concerned. We call this growth.

Set healthy boundaries

Time to take a look at what has been holding you back such as who is pushing your buttons, holding you back particularly in the work area. Find where you need to set better boundaries. This is where Saturn is testing your habits. This is a time to create a balance between your personal and business needs.

Mercury will move from Taurus into Gemini June 12th. Taurus which controls your money will trine Jupiter which will controls your relationships.

We will have a Sagittarius full moon on the 20th. So a lot of crazy will be going on this month. Being too comfortable is not good because if you are too comfortable you will not feel the need to move toward changes.

Michigan psychic, astrologer Sherrie Ellen is one of the most prominent Oakland County psychic clairvoyants. She is founder of The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room






Astrologer, Astrology, Gemini, Kabbalah, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Uncategorized

New Moon in Gemini

Expansion and Growth

New moon coming up in Gemini June 4th and 5th, 2016 depending where you are located here on earth. This can bring in money, expansion, growth because Mercury is involved in this. Think abundance. This will help ground us. This is about flocks, fast moving change, being able to be flexible. You will get the feeling of fast moving changes. Sometimes it will feel like disruptions, spontaneous happenings in your life.


Let Loose on the Controls

There will be a major square happenings such as between Saturn and Neptune making you feel pulled in all different directions to do different things. You will not be certain at time of what is real and what is not real. A mindful meditation practice will help you just sit and observe all these mutability that will be happening. Sometimes it’s just a lime to let go and relax control because we cannot fully embrace the future if we are still holding on to the past.


The Power to Create

We have the opportunity to become more aware that our thoughts have the power to create our reality. Our thoughts are electrical impulses, and our emotions are electrical waves which together create a set point of creation. Most of our thoughts are habitual. This is a month were we need to change. We need to embrace our thinking patterns, and to catch any negativity. Each thought creates a certain level of consciousness. Jupiter is square to the Sun, moon, and Venus. This square can expand our perception.


Its all about Love

Neptune is stationary, and is all about healing, miracles and unconditional love. Neptune being opposed by Venus which is pushing us toward contributing to the whole. Venus is conjunct with the sun and the moon. It’s all about developing loving thoughts. This is all about opening up in the heart of love. Living through the heart center, or what many refer to the heart chakra. The heart sends more information to the brain then the brain send to the heart.

Psychical catching up to the Spiritual

At this time many of us are exhausted because it takes much more time for the physical to catch up with the spiritual aspects that are manifesting right now within our universe. So let your body rest up be because you will find that you will need a lot of extra vibrant energy to carry on the exciting changes that are ahead of you.

Bible | Zohar |Ancient Kabbalah | Tarot Cards

Venus is the Goddess of love. Also I want you to understand that Kabbalah is centered on astrology, and the Zohar, which is the decoder of creation. The Bible is the code of creation. All astrological aspects are placed within all seventy-two cards of the tarot card deck. The Traveling Psychics, Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen is being accompanied by the best Oakland County tarot card reader at Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room, located in Commerce Township, MI.

Michigan psychic medium Sherrie Ellen is available for readings by reservation.

Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen

1 (248) 505-9227


Astrologer, Astrology, Direct, Gemini, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde, Sagittarius

May 22, 2016 Mercury goes Direct!

Sun Conjunct Vesta Moon in Sagittarius


Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen wants everyone to be aware that this is a time to nurture our perceptions to expand the comfort zone of our thinking. We are coming down from the full moon yesterday. This is bringing an end to an old cycle, while the kicking in of a new cycle with another full moon in Sagittarius.  It’s very rare to have to tow full moons in the same sign. This leaves a portal of famine energy that is streaming through.

Birth of a new understanding

Some people look at this situation as an episode of darkness. But you have to understand that in order to birth a star you have to experience the chaos that meets you in the forefront. Mercury is now direct at 14 degrees which equals a five. This is a mental energy.

Gemini is curious

As we are in the mist of Gemini remember that this sign likes to push the buttons. These Gemini people are very curious. They love technology. Since we all are made up of a combination of all twelve signs with of course certain ones more dominant according to our birth placement I want you to know that everyone will experience all of these effects to some point.

Oakland County psychic, medium and astrologer Sherrie Ellen is founder of The Traveling Psychics and is available for private readings at Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room. Our best ever tarot card reader Bedela who is my new side kick who will be assisting me at my reading sanctuary, and high end events will blow you away with her accuracy and innate talent. Stay tuned for updates on your horoscope.

The Traveling Psychics LLC

(248)  505-9227

Astrology, Kabbalah, Mars, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde, Taurus

Taurus Brings Opportunities To Reinvent Yourself


Taurus April 19th to May 20th

Michigan Psychic Medium Sherrie Ellen of The Traveling Psychics incorporates major astrological transit happenings into her psychic readings to give further incite into how her subjects can maneuver around obstacles,  and to offer them opportune times where good fortune plays a role subject to the planetary movements within our solar system.

Reinvent Yourself

Taurus happenings in May of 2016 is the time for big, important changes for those with their sun sign in Taurus. You can reinvent yourself from the ground up if you choose to do the work. People will see you differently this year, even if you change nothing. Be more adaptable but firm, and be happy with yourself. Try a new look. Dress for success.

Changes In Your Appearance

The moment that the sun starts transiting over your Taurus sign will let you will feel more energized and motivated. It’s up to you to get active and start initiation ideas to produce more progress. Things can start improving. You become more charismatic. Venus in your sign makes you more charming and attractive which can help you win others hearts over. This can bring more love into your life. You will want to take better care of your appearance.  This is a time to take steps to improve the way you look. You may feel like pampering yourself. Try a spa. Go get a facial or a message.

Correct Miscommunication | Correct Mistakes

Healing Relationships

Mercury and Mars are still in this Mercury retrograde it can make things feel 2 to 3 times stronger because this planet becomes three times closer to earth. It brings things back from your past, including old relationships, buried conversations, opportunities to reevaluate relationships and correct mistakes. This gives you an opportunity to improve damaged relationships. You can get a different perspective on past situations. This aspect has a lot of supporting aspects that can reconstruct past issues, and prevent present break ups. The ultimate goal is to let go of the tensions that you have been holding onto by expressing how you really feel without judgement on the other person which could lead to creating more chaos. You must really look at how you created this situation. This is an opportunity for you to correct mistakes which will give you a better opportunity to move forward on a better note.

Feeling Hopeful

May is a turning point for you. Things feel more hopeful.  There is still a lot of challenges for you. Mars and Saturn are aligned in Sagittarius. Mars in Saturn and Jupiter is now direct in the 5th house which effects finances on a more positive note. This is a time for new beginnings and new ventures. Mars and Saturn is now in your 8th house which can create challenges in your finances. This has to do with taxes, dept. and finances. But a positive aspect of Pluto is tuning a corner of hopefulness.  There can still be delays in business because mercury is retrograde in Taurus in the first house until May 22, which offers you a time to review and revise decisions. You will feel more hopeful after the new moon on May 5th which is about finances and business.

More Clarity and Better Relationship’s

Mercury retrograde requires three time the work. But it will be worth it. This is a busy time where you will have to make many corrections with business. This is a time where you can have more clarity and have better relationships with the world.  Mercury rules media, advertising, editing, and writing. This is a time where you can see things from another angle that you have never looked at before. But this is a time where if you put the effort in, the final project will be good and worth your time. The final result can turn out much better than your original plan even though the effort can be much more taxing.

 Jupiter Will Push You Forward

Jupiter will turn direct May 9th which will push you forward on a more positive note. Things start moving forward. The winds behind your back. Relationships start improving.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

(248) 444-9256

Oakland County psychic mediums, clairvoyant Sherrie Ellen is founder of The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company. She offers private psychic readings at Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room in Commerce Twp, MI and by the convenience of phone to those who live all around our planet earth. Sherrie Ellen is a internationally know psychic who studies Kabbalah with the Kabbalah Center. In Kabbalah astrology plays a important role in making our corrections here on earth. This is one way into viewing our past live, and realizing the purpose of our present one.





Astrology, Kabbalah, Mars, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde

Mars Retrograde 2016

Mars Retrograde April 17 until June 29, 2016

Mars goes retrograde April 17, 2016 at 8°54′ Sagittarius and ends on June 29, 2016 at 23°4′ Scorpio, and guarantees to generate intense, life altering events.  Mars retrograde offers us the opportunity for complete transformation and amplifies our potential. Mars goes retrograde about ones every 26 month. This often creates combustion’s, and conflicts.

Where do you have Sagittarius, Scorpio, Mars in your chart?

Mars will point its arrows at all of us in one way or another depending upon how our own personal planets are aligned in our charts. It depends on where we have Sagittarius and Scorpio in our charts.

Mars exposing its rays directly upon us

The Mars retrograde is where Mars appears to be moving a backwards, but this is an optical illusion from the earth.  This is when Mars is so much closer to the earth for about 10 weeks.  We usually have the sun as a buffer between mars and us. But during the retrograde Mars moves on the other side of the sun directly next to the earth exposing its intense rays upon our planet.

Opportunities to rebuild healthier situations

Anything that Mars is transiting in your chart will intensify.  The energy will bubble. This energy of Mars is not intended to harm you. This occurrence is giving you an opportunity to fix obstacles. But it can be compared to the Tower Card in the Tarot Deck. Sometime things, situations, unhealthy relationships need to be broken down in order to rebuild more positive life situations.

Our powers are increased

This Mars retrograde increases our will power because we are challenged. We will be put in situations where we are backed in a corner, where we will have no choice but to choose to make some kind of change in our lives. This will give us the opportunity to toughen up, and gain strength to make positive transformations.

Will power toward our goal’s

Mars is trying to kick us into action concerning our goals. It’s pushing us to make a move on our chess board.  It wants us to show more willpower toward our careers. It can get very hectic. It will intensify effects on those who have any planets or house cusps which fall into the following degrees. 20 to 30 Scorpio, Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, or 0 to 10 Sagittarius, Gemini, Taurus, Virgo.

Oakland County Psychic Sherrie Ellen

Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen usually offers some important astrological points in most of her readings at Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room. Astrologer and psychic medium Sherrie Ellen is has been a student, and a practitioner of Kabbalah for many years is located in Oakland County and is one of The Traveling Psychics. They offer Detroit psychic entertainment services all over the state of Michigan.

