Astrologer, Astrology, Jupiter, Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Psychic, Psychics, Sagittarus, Sherrie Ellen

New Moon in Sagittarius December 7, 2018

Author: Michigan psychic medium, astrologer, clairvoyant Sherrie Ellen


New Moon in Sagittarius December 7, 2018

 2:20 am Detroit time

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New Moon will be in Sagittarius December 7, 2018 at 2:20 am Detroit time, and 7:20 a.m. UK time. The Sun and the Moon will be Conjunct each other which means they are positioned right next to one another. Mother Moon goes within, and is recharging her energy.


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Fire Up That Burning Desire

This is a perfect time to set you intentions with all this exciting Sagittarius energy. The symbol of the Sagittarius Sign is an upward pointing bow and arrow. Rules the hips and thighs on the bodies of Gods living creatures. The ruler of this Sign is Jupiter which is also referred to as the planet of luck. Ninth House in the Horoscope Wheel is its home. Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. It is all about life purpose, passion, futuristic thinking. and burning desire.

You Can Do It!

Sagittarius is great at firing up their inner beliefs, and setting long-term goals, as well as having the stamina and ability to stay focused to reach those finish lines.  Sagittarians carry the fiery eternal flame from deep within their very soul, acquiring a deep belief that they can do almost anything. Sagittarians illuminate, bringing light to places that are dark. We all have Sagittarius in one of the Twelve Houses icluding the Ninth House on our Birth Astrology Wheel.

Law of Attraction Sagittarius Style

Dream It

Believe It

Manifest it


Banquet of Opportunities

This is a time when new doors of opportunities open. But the only problem is that it is going to be a smorgasbord of choices. And you must not waste or scatter your focus within this powerful energized month of mass opportunities. These energies offer opportunities for you to learn new things, meet new people from different cultures, offering you a broader view and perspective.

Lucky Jupiter

Jupiter is slow-moving and stays in one House at a time for one whole year. This amazing lucky Planet is presently in its own home with its natural Sign of Sagittarius that it rules. So, this is a super charged powerful lucky time. But you need to find out how this plays out in your own chart to see exactly where you have all this yummy energy.

Getting Energized to Grow in Leaps and Bounds

All this great energy can enhance your abilities, actions, and help you leap ahead of the board game in your business. This is a great time to try out for promotions, and boost up your business agenda.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

The Traveling Psychics

Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Detroit Psychiuc, Kabbalah, Law of Attraction, Manifesting, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Pluto, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen

New Moon in Scorpio November 7, 2018

New Moon in Scorpio November 7, 2018

11:01 A.M. Detroit, Michigan time.

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Author: Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium, clairvoyant, astrologer, Kabbalah student, and head reader for The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company.

A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon huddle together, and where the Moon is being recharged through the energy of the Sun. The Sun giving the Moon the energy to complete the next month’s Cycle. This is a time to meditate, contemplate, and start planting your seeds of intention for the following month of December 2018.

The 8th House Is The Natural Home Of Scorpio

The 8th house represents  the support you receive from other people,  including financial, moral, spiritual and physical. Scorpio is naturally located in the 8th House which is also ruled by Pluto. But you need to look at your Birth Chart, or what many refer to as their Horoscope to see what House Scorpio falls in your own for more detailed information personalized toward you. The 8th House has to do with sex, taxes, death, psychological rebirth, physical regeneration, partners, death, inheritance, trusts, insurance, and regeneration.

Plant Your Seeds

In Kabbalah all the holidays are based on the Cycles of the Moon. It is a good practice to get in the habit of working on planting seeds for your goals according to the where the Moon falls on your individual Birth Chart. If you stay focused and work it you can make your dreams come true, and make your life easier. Most people let their egos get in the way and fight the important lessons that they must be working out each month. This is all about the law of attraction, and working on manifesting your hearts desires.

About Scorpio

Scorpio is a Water Sign that delves the deepest than the other Signs, into seeking out the truth, like a detective. The inner private investigator is going to be coming to the forefront in all of us. We will be be finding out the hidden truths out about people, and situations.  The most honorable information, and the darkest secrets will be coming out out of the closets about people that most of the time will be shocking, and sometimes just confirming what you suspected in the first place. Scorpio wants to know absolutely everything about everything and everyone.

Scorpion Energy Is Magnetic

Scorpios are very charismatic, and charming. They are like a magnet that attracts people toward them.  And right now we are all holding some of that magnetic pull to some degree depending upon the placement of Scorpio in your Chart, And the placement of Scorpio in your own person Chart will tell you exactly what areas in your life that you have that kind of power, and what particular kind of opportunities are coming to you right now during this New Moon if you work with this energy.


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room



The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company



Astrologer, Astrology, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen, Zohar

New Moon in Scorpio, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017 there will be a New Moon in Scorpio at 8:42 A.M. Detroit time, and 11:42 A.M. UK time. This is a fixed energy. Fixed Signs understand that steadiness is the key. This energy is pulling us toward slowing down, and start looking within ourselves.

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New Moon Ritual

Oakland County, Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen wants you to get set up prior to this exciting Scorpio New Moon with your New Moon ritual concerning setting your power of intention concerning a new goal. Use this astrology information to set goals, manifest your dreams, and make this the most beneficial month to reach your soul purpose.

During the planting of the seed of your intention during this New Noon in Scorpio you can do it by thought, through meditation, writing it out on paper, through spoken words of your intention under the New Moon. But make certain that your thoughts, and words are all uplifting, positive and about something that you want to attract into your life.

New Moon

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new cycle.

Scorpio New Moon

The New Moon in Scorpio shifts your consciousness from external relationships to deeper internal issues. The depth and meaning are the qualities that give value to our existence. We are delving into the mysteries within with naked honesty. It’s about healing mostly externally, and somewhat extremely. Its about fixing what trigger’s us.

Scorpio is about the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. Its about letting go of what was and about a rebirth of what is to come. Its so very magical in a astrological and mystical way.

The thing is that we may not even notice about the negative aspects filtering away while the exciting and even more promising situations are just taking sprout before us. This Scorpio energy is about the revaluation of situations around us. Its about letting go of what has no value and creating something with much more substance. And Oh boy and Oh girl, has Michigan psychic, clairvoyant and astrologer Sherrie Ellen been doing just this. Sometimes we just have to take stock and start pulling out the weeds in our life that has accumulated so the gorgeous flowers can take bloom. This can be a very exciting time in our lives depending where Scorpio is placed in our birth horoscopes.

The Scorpio

Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac. They like to learn from others. Do not take the fearless, and deadly serious nature of a Scorpio lightly. They can zoom right in on what is being hidden. They are curious. They do not fear beginnings or endings. They can make great investigators. They can reinvent and regenerate themselves swiftly from a fall.


Back in October 2017 Jupiter moved right into compassionate and determined Scorpio. The combination of Jupiter and Scorpio brings the hidden out of the closets. Watch out for secrets revealed at home and around the nations. This is all about secrets about sex, death and people in power. This is more about twists and turns in journey’s.

Take Good Care

This energy is about taking good care of ourselves, eating healthier food, going a bit more holistic in our self-care.  This is about our journey within.

Oh So Good Jupiter Making Us Feel Abundant

In addition to the New Moon coming up in Scorpio on November 18, 2017, on November 13, 2017 there is a Conjunction coming up between Jupiter and Venus making us feel abundant. Everything that Jupiter touches adds an element of luck to it. November 7, 2017.  November 16, 2017 Venus Trines Neptune focusing on our creative streak.

Chiron The Healing Warrior

The Sun will be trining the healing warrior Chiron within degrees of Scorpio and Pisces. This combination creates a heightened perception, psychic abilities and creativity. This also gives us a feeling of surrendering to the universe.  Surrendering can initiate healing process of old wounds.

Dreamy Meets Lucky

We will experience a Trine between dreamy Neptune and lucky Jupiter through September 2018.  Jupiter adds luck and expansion to all that it comes into contact with. We all want Jupiter to yield close to us. There also can be medical break through with this energy. This is a releasing of our woes and connection to the divine Universe energy.


Neptune is called God of the Sea, and is the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is also considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle.


Jupiter, is called the King of the Gods, and is the ruler of Sagittarius Jupiter is a planet of plenty, and good fortune. It is expansive, and seeks insight through knowledge.

Astrology Magic

We shall all start preparing to co-create out desire about mid month before a New Moon. We are all natural co-creators with the Universe. These forces have a natural gravitational pull to help lead us through. This information is nothing new. Its been successfully practiced by Kabbalists in ancient times. It is written in code in the bibles and reinforced by ancient scholars in the Zohar. Much of what students of the Kabbalah study is Astrology and the Lunar cycles, and phase’s of the Moon.


 Oakland County Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen


The Traveling Psychics

Michigan Psychic Entertainment

