Astrologer, Astrology, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen, Zohar

New Moon in Scorpio, November 18, 2017

November 18, 2017 there will be a New Moon in Scorpio at 8:42 A.M. Detroit time, and 11:42 A.M. UK time. This is a fixed energy. Fixed Signs understand that steadiness is the key. This energy is pulling us toward slowing down, and start looking within ourselves.

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New Moon Ritual

Oakland County, Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen wants you to get set up prior to this exciting Scorpio New Moon with your New Moon ritual concerning setting your power of intention concerning a new goal. Use this astrology information to set goals, manifest your dreams, and make this the most beneficial month to reach your soul purpose.

During the planting of the seed of your intention during this New Noon in Scorpio you can do it by thought, through meditation, writing it out on paper, through spoken words of your intention under the New Moon. But make certain that your thoughts, and words are all uplifting, positive and about something that you want to attract into your life.

New Moon

A New Moon represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of another new cycle.

Scorpio New Moon

The New Moon in Scorpio shifts your consciousness from external relationships to deeper internal issues. The depth and meaning are the qualities that give value to our existence. We are delving into the mysteries within with naked honesty. It’s about healing mostly externally, and somewhat extremely. Its about fixing what trigger’s us.

Scorpio is about the ending of a cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. Its about letting go of what was and about a rebirth of what is to come. Its so very magical in a astrological and mystical way.

The thing is that we may not even notice about the negative aspects filtering away while the exciting and even more promising situations are just taking sprout before us. This Scorpio energy is about the revaluation of situations around us. Its about letting go of what has no value and creating something with much more substance. And Oh boy and Oh girl, has Michigan psychic, clairvoyant and astrologer Sherrie Ellen been doing just this. Sometimes we just have to take stock and start pulling out the weeds in our life that has accumulated so the gorgeous flowers can take bloom. This can be a very exciting time in our lives depending where Scorpio is placed in our birth horoscopes.

The Scorpio

Scorpio is the 8th sign of the Zodiac. They like to learn from others. Do not take the fearless, and deadly serious nature of a Scorpio lightly. They can zoom right in on what is being hidden. They are curious. They do not fear beginnings or endings. They can make great investigators. They can reinvent and regenerate themselves swiftly from a fall.


Back in October 2017 Jupiter moved right into compassionate and determined Scorpio. The combination of Jupiter and Scorpio brings the hidden out of the closets. Watch out for secrets revealed at home and around the nations. This is all about secrets about sex, death and people in power. This is more about twists and turns in journey’s.

Take Good Care

This energy is about taking good care of ourselves, eating healthier food, going a bit more holistic in our self-care.  This is about our journey within.

Oh So Good Jupiter Making Us Feel Abundant

In addition to the New Moon coming up in Scorpio on November 18, 2017, on November 13, 2017 there is a Conjunction coming up between Jupiter and Venus making us feel abundant. Everything that Jupiter touches adds an element of luck to it. November 7, 2017.  November 16, 2017 Venus Trines Neptune focusing on our creative streak.

Chiron The Healing Warrior

The Sun will be trining the healing warrior Chiron within degrees of Scorpio and Pisces. This combination creates a heightened perception, psychic abilities and creativity. This also gives us a feeling of surrendering to the universe.  Surrendering can initiate healing process of old wounds.

Dreamy Meets Lucky

We will experience a Trine between dreamy Neptune and lucky Jupiter through September 2018.  Jupiter adds luck and expansion to all that it comes into contact with. We all want Jupiter to yield close to us. There also can be medical break through with this energy. This is a releasing of our woes and connection to the divine Universe energy.


Neptune is called God of the Sea, and is the ruler of Pisces. Neptune is also considered a planet of inspiration, dreams, psychic receptivity, illusion, and confusion. Neptune rules spirituality, and all things subtle.


Jupiter, is called the King of the Gods, and is the ruler of Sagittarius Jupiter is a planet of plenty, and good fortune. It is expansive, and seeks insight through knowledge.

Astrology Magic

We shall all start preparing to co-create out desire about mid month before a New Moon. We are all natural co-creators with the Universe. These forces have a natural gravitational pull to help lead us through. This information is nothing new. Its been successfully practiced by Kabbalists in ancient times. It is written in code in the bibles and reinforced by ancient scholars in the Zohar. Much of what students of the Kabbalah study is Astrology and the Lunar cycles, and phase’s of the Moon.


 Oakland County Michigan Psychic Sherrie Ellen


The Traveling Psychics

Michigan Psychic Entertainment


Astrologer, Astrology, Detroit Psychic, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Supermoon, Taurus

Full Super Moon in Taurus November 4, 2017

The Full Super Moon in Taurus will occur on Friday, November 4, 2017 at 1.22 A.M. Detroit, Michigan Time, and 5:22 A.M. UK Time.

What is a Super Moon?

A Super Moon is when the Moon appears to be unusually super close to the Earth. It will look magnificent, & unusually large.
Image result for Full Super moon taurus

Let it go

This Super Moon in Taurus is all about releasing what no longer serves us. This is an energy pushing us into releasing old patterns, relationships, worn out desires, and resentments that no longer serve you.

Oh Yes There Is Good News

But the good news is that this particular Full Moon should have more of a calming effect on most of us. This will be a time where we will be able to have a reprieve from all the mundane and push us to deliver deep and work on our inner psyches.


We will be encompassed in Taurus energy which is all about reality, taking a care of our financial situations, our environment, physical body, and of course romantic ventures.

The Reveal

The Sun is in Scorpio, Conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio. These two are nesting together. The Sun represents your identity which is of course who you are. The Scorpio focus is on your emotions.  You may travel out of the comfort zone with discussing things that you would probably not otherwise reveal within your relationships.

Lucky Jupiter

Thank goodness for lucky Jupiter keeping company with Scorpio as well.  Jupiter is the Planet of luck, growth, and expansion. Jupiter is our largest Planet in our Solar System. Whatever it touches it blesses with its good luck and fortune. Jupiter increase the possibility of relationships to grow and to develop.

Oh, So Good

So, this trio of Taurus Sun, Scorpio and Jupiter is enhancing our emotional depth, understanding and intuition.  Now this little sweet bundle is shinning upon the Full Moon, which is reflected as being completed, leaving you feel comfortable and safe within your own self.

Move Higher. You Can Do IT!

Oakland County, Michigan psychic, medium and astrologer Sherrie Ellen does believe that there is a time and a reason for everything under the Sun. But this is a time to move on toward your true highest purpose.

Jupiter Role

Jupiter will hang out in Scorpio until November 18, 2017. This leads toward pulling us into very intense transformation.  This is going to make us desire more closeness, intimacy, & reality based relationships. We will feel like opening up the curtains, taking chances in relationships.

Secrets Revealed

This energy can also cause a lot of scandalous sexual relationships that hit the public eyes, and ears. Also, this is a time when hidden criminal acts, and deceit will be revealed. The news reporters, and gossip columnists are going to be busy.


Many people will be digging deeper looking for answers, healing and a more spiritual way. We will focus more on spirituality, divination, astrology, meditation, reaching out toward communication the unseen forces, past life regression, and alternative healing methods. This is all about being drawn toward transformation.

Taurus In Your Own Chart

A Full Moon is always about bringing things to completion. Depending on where Taurus placed in your Astrological Chart is where, and how it will personally affect you.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Readings Room

The Traveling Psychics


Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Capricorn, Detroit Psychic, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Psychic, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Uncategorized

Full Moon in Aries October 5, 2017

By Michigan Psychic, Astrologer Sherrie Ellen

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Showered with Aries Energy

The Full Moon in Aries takes place on October 5, 2017 at 2:40 P.M. Detroit time, and 5:40 P.M. UK time. A Full Moon is always a time when things are coming into fruition and completion. This means that the Moon has come into illumination, and has completed its monthly cycle. With this Full Moon, we will be showered with the energy of Aries. Aries is the very first Sign in the Zodiac. Aries is a Fire Sign, and represents the Ram.

Moving Forward

The Aries energy is all about moving forward, acknowledging your hearts desires, and following your passions.  This energy is about ignoring obstacles, and road blocks that are in your way, blocking you from moving forward on your truest journey and very reachable goals.  This Aries Full Moon is going to give you a very powerful boost of energy to get you to start moving forward even though the circumstances may seem like they are not ideal.


This Full Moon is going to give you a giant appreciation and doze of enthusiasm about you discovering, and rediscovering your passions. If you have any vital planets within a few degrees of Aries, this can shift your vibes over to a totally new positive level of understanding.

Ideas into Reality

Venus, and Mars are fellow travelers during a good part of this October. If your Earth Planets are in Virgo, or Capricorn you can attract to yourself a lot of success throughout the Month of October. Remember that the Earth Plain is all of about manifesting, and turning your ideas into physical reality.

I want what I want

The New Moon in Aries is a Me, Me, Me time. It’s all about wanting to come first, and about trying to be the best, and better than anyone else at whatever is driving your passion.  This energy is all about independence and doing whatever you want without compromise. Some would call this selfish. But remember that you can always just blame it on the Full Moon. Ha, Ha, Ha!


But then we have the Sun, together with Jupiter and Mercury in Libra. This is a us energy about harmony, fairness, compromise and cooperation. But because they are Squared by Pluto this adds to power struggles within relationships.

Secrets won’t stay secrets

Most times during a Full Moon the hidden comes out. True natures, and secrets are revealed.  I want you to realize that Pluto is all about secrets. In Capricorn, it’s all about government and corporate secrets. It’s about secrets about people who are in power.


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

The Traveling Psychics LLC

Michigan psychic Entertainment Company



Astrologer, Astrology, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Pisces, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen, Solar Eclipses

Full Moon in Pisces September 6, 2017



By Oakland County, Michigan Psychic, astrologer Sherrie Ellen


Still Feeling Last Total Solar Eclipse

First, I want you to know that this past August 7, 2017 Total Lunar Eclipse that we have experienced in Leo can affect us for at least the next 6 months, and even up to the next 3 years.  There is going to be a rebirth in the United States of America, mostly concerning structures, power plants, larger architecture, financial systems, and government. I do feel there is going to be a shift and fluctuations in the housing market.


When Eclipses occur they, many times accompany natural disasters such as what Houston, Texas is experiencing with Hurricane Harvey.  This is a clue to how some of the unbalances that humans have caused added to some of this particular disaster which I will only mention one. With all the cement covering the earth in Houston, Texas, there was not enough natural earth exposed to absorb some of this massive rain. Of course, if there was not any cement there would have still been massive flooding. But it would not have been as severe. Here is another clue to rethink what we are doing to earth. At the same time Hurricane Harvey hit Houston, Texas, another major large city East in Mumbai, India’ suffered paralyzing floods.


Eclipses release bottled up energies. The release tensions. This is like an awakening where ignored, and neglected situations come into awareness. It has a lot of the same energy as Uranus. And with Houston it brought us the storm of the millennium.  Hurricane Harvey was a Lunar event. This was about the Sun and the Moon.  The Sun and the Moon together creates tides.  When the ties rise high the water vapors rise into the air.

Full Moon in Pisces

The Full Moon in Pisces will take place on September 6, 2016 at 5:44 A.M. EDT, and 2:44 A.M. Pacific Time. With each Full Moon, it gives us opportunities to straighten out some of the crinkles and wrinkles in our lives. It’s a time to try and forgive those that we feel trespassed on us in harmful ways. It’s also time to get out of the pity pot, and take that gratitude list out. This is a perfect time to try and create some balance in our lives. We may need to ask ourselves are we giving too much, or are we taking too much from others. This is a huge task for the Capricorn concerning this Full Moon.

Duel Realities

Pisces is very compassionate and all about compassion. They look more into the oneness of all than most other Signs.  This particular Full Moon in Pisces in occurring lined up with Neptune which promotes the Pisces energy.  Neptune is a natural Planet of Pisces in the 12th house.  With Virgos placement, it draws tensions with those who see composing realities of what is real and what is not real. This energy can cause arguments  and debates concerning what is fact and fiction.

Rebirth Of A Nation

Right now, the Natal Chart of the USA in Philadelphia where the Declaration of Independence took place when Americans first celebrated in the United States as the official beginning of its nationhood, on July 4, 1776 Pluto is in the second house of money and values again. This is an example of what is called a Pluto Return, where Pluto comes back to the same place when the Declaration of Independence occurred. We will see profound transformation and the rebirth of the United States of America.

Pisces See Unity

This Pisces Full Moon is especially good for Taurus, Cancer, Virgos, Scorpios, Capricorns and Pisces. But its more challenging for all the other Signs. This energy is nostalgic, enhancing past memories. This energy can draw out the inner psychic even in the skeptic. This is a time to create balance in your life so you do not neglect your obligations, and have time to get lost in your daydreams. Day dreaming, mediation and visualization will add to your creativity. Remember that we are co-creators with the Universe. Let go of what does not work so you can create space for something better. It’s all about growing pains.   This month is a bout trying to bring some order to all the disorder that was created last month.

Dreamy Verses Reality

This Pisces Full Moon dreamy energy that wants oneness, and to act in total unity  is thrown us in a ring against the Virgo energy that wants to be more grounded, individual, and who want to be independent of others, They go for pursuing more concrete ideas. Pisces can make great psychics. But they need to keep their feet firmly planted in the ground. If they do not they can make hasty decisions that can create a lot of chaos in their lives.

Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium, astrologer and clairvoyant Sherrie Ellen is the lead psychic for The Traveling Psychics LLC.


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

The Traveling Psychics Michigan Entertainment Company

Astrologer, Astrology, Direct, Leo, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde, Sherrie Ellen, Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipses, Total Solar Eclipse

Total Solar Eclipse in Leo August 21, 2017


Total Solar Eclipse in Leo August 21, 2017

Total Solar Eclipse in Leo August 21, 2017


Protect Your Eyes

Protect Your Children’s Eyes

Protect Your Pets Eyes

Oakland County, Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen wants you to know that looking directly into the Sun during this Solar Eclipse can cause permanent damage to your retina and cause vision loss. They say that the damage that can take place is not reversible.

Total Solar Eclipse Eastern Standard Time

We have a Total Solar Eclipse in Leo that will take place on August 21, 2017.  At 1:03 PM EST a Partial Solar Eclipse begins where the Moon touches the Sun’s edge. At 2:27 PM EST the Maximum Solar Eclipse takes place where the Moon is closest to the center of the Sun. At 3:47 PM EST Partial Eclipse ends where the Moon leaves the Sun’s edge.

Control and Vulnerability

This is also a New Moon in fiery Leo.  We are going to be feeling, and experience people with emphasized intense feelings of control verse vulnerability in relationships, and financial security verse extravagance. We will feel more expressed power from some of our leaders. Oh my! Oh my! What a roller coaster ride we can be on.

Shift of Power

Eclipses are green lights for us to make changes. There could be some drama. There could be some shifting in power among world leaders.  Keep an eye out for “the change of the guard”. Those in power can rise higher, or fall from grace.  We have a Mercury retrograde that started August 13, 2017 in Virgo. Mercury goes Direct again on September 5, 2017.  Leo loves the larger picture, while Virgo sorts out the details.

Focusing Your Intentions

This New Moon, and Eclipse offers strong vibrations for focusing on what you want, and how you are going to focus your intentions, and come up with new ideas of what you how you can create what you want now.  This is a time of creating smaller goals, focusing on baby steps. This is a time to deal with what needs to go in order to make space for something new to come.  Meditate on the changes you need to make in the next few days ahead.

Michigan Psychic, Clairvoyant, Astrologer Sherrie Ellen


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room


The Traveling Psychics LLC

Aquarius, Astrologer, Astrology, Full Moon, Leo, Lunar Eclipses, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde, Sherrie Ellen

Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius August 7, 2017

Article written by Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium, astrologer Sherrie Ellen

August Astrological Happenings

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August is probably the peak month of the entire year. There is a strong energy of change, and a lot of intense and volatile energy too.  This is a month of endings and new beginnings. There are two recent New Moons in Leo. One that has passed on July, 27, 2017. And the second one this upcoming that is to take place on August 21, 2017.  Remember that New Moons are about beginnings, and Lunar Eclipses are about endings.


We also have many Planets Retrograde such as Saturn in Sagittarius, Pluto in Capricorn, Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. Mercury will move Retrograde in Virgo on August 12, 2017.  And on September 5, 2017 Mercury moves Retrograde in Leo.

Lunar Eclipse

There will be a partial Lunar Eclipse occurring on August 7, 2017 at 2:00 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, and 7:00 P.M. UK time. The effects of Eclipses can last for approximately six months.  This will be the first of two Eclipses that will take place in August 2017.

South Node & North Node

A Eclipse is always either on the North Node, or on the South Node of the Moon. This current one is on the South Node. This South Node is about releasing, and letting go of things.  But, this is less about letting go o,f and more about finding a way to share your humanitarianism with the people, community and the world.


This particular Eclipse is when the Earth moves in-between the Sun and the Moon. A shadow is cast over the Moon. It’s not fully darkened because it’s a Partial Lunar Eclipse.  This is also a Full Moon.  But the only difference here is that the Earth is interfering.

Helping Others

The Sun is in Leo and shines its light upon the Moon which is in Aquarius.  So here we are with a Full Moon in Aquarius. This Eclipse Full Moon will affect us in a way that it will makes us feel like helping other people.


The Sun in Leo is fun loving, energized, and Confident. Remember that Astrology is based on the seasons. Leo capulates summer.  The Sun is sending this confident fiery energy towards the Moon while the Moon is in Aquarius.


The Moon is the sign of Aquarius brings out the humanitarian, renders us to be of service, helping other people, giving to others, being intellectual, being the thinker, coming up with creative ideas, scientific breakthroughs, and conjuring up new inventions.  Lots of Aquarian’s have to have the latest technology.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room


Astrologer, Astrology, Capricorn, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Sherrie Ellen

Full Moon in Capricorn July 9, 2017

Written by Michigan Psychic, Medium and Astrologer Sherrie Ellen.


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The Full Moon will be coming up on July 9th, 2017.  This will happen at 9:06 P.M on July 8th, 2017 on the West Coast, of the United States. And if you are on the East Coast it will happen 12:06 A. M. on July 9, 2017 in the United States.

A Full Moon is always a time of culmination. The Moon opposite the Sun is effecting the maximum light of the Sun.  It is when our dreams seem to over flow into the light.  A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are together. In a New Moon the emotions and subconscious are over flowing, which can leave us overwhelmed.

This particular Full Moon in Capricorn is extremely powerful. Capricorn is the Sign of emotional restraint.  Capricorn is Opposite Cancer.  We have the Sun lighted up with Mars in Cancer. Cancer is full of emotions and feelings. Mars is a Planet of war. But Mars being in the emotional house of Cancer is muting and mellowing some of the strong significance of Mars energy. So we end up with passive aggressiveness.

The Capricorn energy from this Full Moon is pulling us toward holding our emotions in place because Capricorn is a Sign of stability. The Capricorn Moon likes to calculate and be in control of its emotions. This Capricorn Moon is also lined up with Pluto, which many refer to the “Lord of Darkness”.  Pluto is passionate and portrays intense emotions.

The bottom line is that our emotions and feelings are so intense that we do not know what to do. We get overwhelmed with all of these intense emotions.  We are getting slammed with annoyances and irritations.  So we are trying to find a safe place to feel and deal with our emotions and keep them appropriately restrained. It’s just a tug of war within. We are trying to manage this energy without going into denial.

Seven Planets will be in Cardinal Signs.  4 of these Signs will be Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn. These Signs are about taking action. This could be a very good time to take action, and even more so if you have anything in-between 17 and 23 degrees of these Cardinal Signs. Cardinal Signs are the initiator of the zodiac.  This is an opportune time for focus action, which will allow you to accomplish a lot during this period of time.

There is also coming up a Grand Trine in Fire which is a Triangle between the North Node in Leo, Saturn in Sagittarius, and Uranus in Aries. This means that if you have any Planets in Fire Signs in 21, and 28 Degrees you can strongly feel the inspirational pulls of this. Since the North Node is about moving forward, this is all about our collective destiny. The Norn Node is future orientated.

Saturn is all about doing old things in new ways. Uranus is all about creativity, being innovative, giving us sudden aha moment’s in our understanding, and ideas about how we can do things in a much better way. We can be shifted into a better direction.

The first 10 days of this month we have a Cardinal Grand Cross. With this we will have Mars at 18 Degrees of Cancer, opposing Pluto at 118 Degrees of Capricorn.  This is about power, actions, assertiveness, and strong focus. Crazy battles of power can occur in private sectors, and between world leaders.

This gives you a great opportunity to accomplish your goals and just getting things done. Another part of this Grand Cross consist of Jupiter at 14 Degrees of Libra, Opposing Ari at 23 Degrees of Aries. This can bring in emotional explosions. We have to be very watchful that we do not over react to situations.

Internationally known Oakland County, Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen is a double Capricorn herself. This months Full Moon is effecting her now. We can feel the effects of a full moon for up to six weeks be for and up to six weeks after the actual occurrence. She is known for channeled readings with an astrological twist to her deliveries. Sherrie Ellen is the head psychic reader for The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company.

The Traveling Psychics

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Astrologer, Astrology, Full Moon, Gemini, Mars, Michigan Psychic, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen, Uncategorized

Full Moon in Scorpio May 10, 2017

This information is brought to you by Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium Sherrie Ellen, astrologer, who is the lead psychic entertainer for The Traveling Psychics.

Full Moon in Scorpio also known as the Flower Moon

Scorpio Full Moon

Many call this the Flower Moon.

It’s all about death and rebirth.

On May 20, 2017 there will be a Full Moon at 20 Degrees and 25 Minutes of Scorpio. When we look into the nature of Scorpio we are thinking of looking deep. Scorpio is definitely not about just scratching the surface. This is because Scorpio wants to get to the bottom of everything. Scorpio rules the sexual organs and the reproduction system, birth, and death.

This is going to be where the Sun and the Moon are in Opposition. The Sun is in Taurus placed in the 8th House, directly across the Moon in Scorpio in the 2nd House. If you have the opportunity to look at a Horoscope Chart you can see all the placements for yourself.  The Full Moon is about highlighting the different polarities, and forces within it.

The time of the Scorpio Moon is a perfect time for us to release all that we do not need in our lives anymore. It’s a time to just get down to business, and do some personal house cleaning.  This gives us the opportunity to make new space for things in our lives to shift, and transform into something on a much deeper level.

Pluto is one of Scorpios rulers. During this time we will have a Trine to the Sun, and a Sextile to the Full Moon.  This gives us a great opportunity to take advantage of this shift, and claim our power.  This is a time for us to really pull our sleves up and get ready to get down and dirty, getting rid of all the unwanted personal crap that we allowed to accumulate in our personal lives.

This is a time of standing strong, and transmuting fear into love, including self-love. This is all about having a rebirth. It’s about total transformation. This is a time for all of us to just to stop just treating symptoms, and to just get to the very root of things.

Many of our world leaders are in the middle of a mass power struggle trying to protect their territories. We are in the middle of a fight with a system that is essentially broken. The world is fighting terrorism, power over other countries, and world leaders that we find as threats. We are also fightening to mask the financial systems. Everyone wants to do it their way with no flexibility.

This upcoming Full Moon in Scorpio is a harbinger of the facts about our economy, and enormous dept. that we will have to face as nations. We will not be able to hide our heads in the sands and let government official’s sugar coat it for us anymore. There are so many people still in the mist of, and/or either in great financial crisis and burdens.

There is much going on around finances. Scorpio rules dept. There are masses of dept. within our government and that individuals have created that makes it so surmountable that it’s hard to even imagine it ever being paid. To deal with this problem masses of new money is being created that will even create more mountains of dept. and get us all as a whole further down the rabbit hole.

This is a time when hidden truths are revealed. Get ready for the ugly and the shocking. But this is the only way that we can start to turn things around. We cannot live with our heads buried in the sand forever. I always say that the truth shall set us free.

Mars which is an opposing energy is in Gemini is Square to Neptune. This can restrict flexibility. But it’s pushing you to try and be flexible because this Scorpio energy will not let go, and will continue to be persistent.  These energies are telling us only through flexibility can we start to thrive agai,  because there is a Trine to Jupiter which can allow you to reach greater achievements even beyond you intended goals. Two Scorpio’s together makes an intense conversation. Two Gemini’s together makes for distractions and, lack of focus within the conversation.

During the time of this Full Moon you can make a lot of progress toward your goals if you don’t linger in the negative, become flexible in your thought and action, and are willing to more toward truth. The May 10, 2017 Full Moon in Scorpio can being you an abundance of money beyond your wildest dreams. Or this could be that you need to work out your own personal dept. and find a opportunity on how to restructure it in a way that will make it possible for you to pay it off.

This could be a time where someone in a relationship has caused you great pain, and you are not ready to say your goodbyes. This can give you an opportunity on how to heal the relationship, or heal your pain that has been caused by it. This New Moon can bring in a new lover. This depends on how all these Aspects effect your 7th House of relationships during this New Moon in Scorpio.

This is not a time for fear. New moons bring new opportunities to transform your situations, and new beginnings. These Aspects can bring in a lot of fear to many people who are terrified to see the truth. But this is not the time to live in and hide in your fear. This is a time with lots of opportunities to transform and turn anything negative into a positive winner of a situation. This is also a time to learn from your mistakes so you can fix them, not repeat them and do better.

Stop feeding into, and refueling your fears by listening to all the energy vampires words that are pouring paper tigers into your subconscious mind. Most of this negativity is learned behavior reinforced by habits.  You need to learn to be able to take a leap of faith, and stand at the edge trusting your own intuitional instincts. Try and remember that the darkest moment is usually right before the dawn.


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Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Full Moon, Michigan Psychic, New Moon, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Scorpio, Sherrie Ellen, Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipses

Solar Eclipse in Pisces February 26, 2017

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Psychic medium and astrologer Sherrie Ellen wants you to be prepared for the Solar Eclipse that is heading our way on February 26, 2017. We are having a lot of activity in Fire Signs this month and actually throughout the entire year of 2017.  Throughout February we are having Venus, Mars, Uranus, and Saturn in Sagittarius.

This is a time to actually put our dreams into action and become Spiritual Warriors. It’s a time to stand tall and beam our own lights.  This Eclipse can be a very explosive time for us. A lot of it is all about giving up victimhood, to stop feeling sorry for ourselves, and letting go of where we have been wounded in our lives, and how to realize where we are still nursing those wounds. It’s about accepting the scars out past experiences have left us, but at the same time realizing that we are okay, and have survived our painful experiences.  It is a time to realize that we are wiser, and stronger from those lessons.

One of the reasons that this Eclipse is very explosive is because this New Moon is connected with Uranus, which is connected with Mars, which is connected with Aris, which is connected with Jupiter. On a symbolic angle this means that there can be situations that come up, like short fused tempers. Raging tempers could be seen at work, on the news, or anywhere that someone feels victimized.

This rage can be where others protest for equal rights. And there can be moments where you will find others trying to bully their way forward to get what they want. Michigan psychic Sherrie Ellen witnessed this recently at one of her corporate events where one of her readers spouses barged into an event and made a scene. This spouse felt that they were the victim and tried to use bullying tactics to get what they wanted. But Oakland County psychic mediums Sherrie Ellen is a no-nonsense woman, and in a quiet tone laid down the law.

This is a time to embrace our spirituality and get grounded in practical application within our own light.  It’s not all about being a concept in the sky. It’s about what we can do with and how we can apply our spirituality. It’s now time to walk the talk, and to apply all of your spiritual tools. Practice makes perfect.

All these elements can be very pioneering, inspirational, giving us a lot of creative ideas and developments.  This can bring us some exciting new technology. Fire spreads fast. So events can occur with lightning speed. So we must be prepared, and fast on our feet so we do not miss out on opportunities.

Solar Eclipses are like Super Big Moons which could be thought of a Super Big New Beginnings.  This is all about learning to apply gentle strength, without bullying and without letting others take advantage of you. This is a time to connect to your spiritual wisdom, and a good time for us gifted mediums to channel information from the other side. This is also a great time to connect with Spirits, Spirit Guides, Angels, Archangels, and God.


This article is written by astrologer,  Oakland County psychic, Michigan psychic medium Sherrie Ellen who is founder of The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company.


Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

The Traveling Psychics LLC


Aries, Astrologer, Astrology, Capricorn, Direct, Directy, Full Moon, Leo, Lunar Eclipses, Mars, Oakland County Psychic, Psychic, Psychic Medium, Psychics, Retrograde, Sherrie Ellen, Solar Eclipse, Solar Eclipses, Uncategorized, Venus

February 2017 Solar & Lunar Eclipses Trigger Changes

Image result for leo solar, lunar eclipses

Get out of the old and recreate your life

Generally 2017 is a time of creativity, inspiration, and new beginnings. This is mostly because of the opposition we have between Uranus, and Jupiter which pushes us toward bigger and better possibilities.  There can be a lot of fights about injustices. Uranus is about personal awakenings, the mind of God also known as the super-consciousness. This can give us precise clarity. We can perceive things from a higher level.

Jupiter is in Libra which is the sign of justice. Uranus is disruptive and will break situations down so they can be rearranged in a way that better suites us, and raise us to a higher level.

There is a lot of fire going on in February 2017. We have Saturn in Sagittarius, Uranus in Aries, Mars in Aries, and Venus in Aries which are all fire signs. Where ever Aries falls in your chart there will be a lot of action.

Jupiter will go Retrograde February 6, 2017 intergrading knowledge, and wisdom that we have received. Jupiter goes Direct June 9, 2017.

On this one day only of February 8, 2017 we will have an exciting Cardinal Grand Cross.  It will be forming between the Moon and Cancer, highlighting Pluto and Capricorn. Jupiter and Libra, and Urnis, and Uranus in Aries.  So if you have anything in your chart between seventeen and eighteen degrees of these Cardinal Signs then those Planets for you will be triggered in your Natal chart.

All that is mentioned in the previous paragraph can bring up some emotion issues that has to do with your home, security, and family, along with freedom, independence, and individuality.  Be aware of your sudden emotional changes which could possibly move out of your emotion sphere by the very next day into a much lighter state. Don’t make hasty decisions.

This is an unpredictable time when things can suddenly appear in your life, and other things can suddenly end. This is because there are two Eclipses. When Eclipses occur, they can wipe out attachments, relationships and projects. But on the other had it can bring in a whole new phase of activities and other amazing goodies into your life. This all depend on how it is effecting your chart!

There is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo on February 10, 2017.  The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse tends to be about acumination and letting go.  This has to do more with relationships. The effects of a Lunar Eclipse usually only last for about one month. But there is a possibility this can effect someone as long as two months.

Eclipses can reveal something that you are unaware of.  I suggest that you find out where Leo falls in your own chart so you will see how this affects you on a personal level.  Try and find out what house this fall in on your own chart. This Full Moon will bring things to fruition and closure.

The sign Leo is going to make us look deep within and notice if we are living enough from our hearts, and a place of love.  It will make us want to take accountability to look at how much love we are giving to others. This is a time where we need to open up our hearts and see others through the love lense.

A New Moon will be in Pisces on February 26, 2017 of this month.  If you have any Planets around 4 to 8 Degrees of Pisces, or the opposite of 8 Decrees of Virgo, then what ever planet that represent in your chart will be spotlighted, and will have to go through a lot of adjustments, and changes for up to six months or possibly up to one whole year.

On February 26, 2017 a Solar Eclipse in Pisces which is eight signs past Leo rising. This is putting the spotlight on your financial obligations, taxes, insurance, partner’s money, loans, and joint ventures.  These are the places where our focus will be.

These Eclipses can bring in a lot of unstable energy. So it’s important for you not to make any major life changing changes during this time. New energy is trying to come in. But you need to let it develop before you commit to that new direction.

Venus and Mars will be aligning in Aries.  Mars enters Aires only once every two years. Mars is the ruler of Aries.  Mars is courageous, ambition and extremely competitive.  But the Mars insolence get out of hand by getting overly aggressive, pushy, and combative.

Eclipses are just like portholes that allow us to download information. Chiron is Pisces in urging us to move toward wholeness.  We are being offered a spiritual lift in our state of being. This is a very inspiring time and an opportune time for meditation.

Eclipse are also like wild cards that enhance the acceleration of our personal development. This helps jump start and jump us forward on our path.  This also helps us jump back on our destine path if we were to have gotten side tracked and lost our direction.

On a positive note we will have uplifting and harmonious Venus acting as a buffer, taking off the rough edges off of Mars. A lot more can be accomplished without bulldozing your way through what appears as obstacles. This is a great time for manifesting our goals.

This is a magical, mystical and rich time for all of us.  I suggest that you meditate during this Lunar Eclipse and see what starts to unfold in your mind.

Remember that things will start happening quickly. Fire spreads swiftly. Many of the player Planets are in Fire Signs. Swoosh.

Article written by Oakland County, Michigan psychic medium Sherrie Ellen of The Traveling Psychics Entertainment Company.

Sherrie Ellen’s Psychic Reading Room

The Traveling Psychics LLC

